February 8, 2013

I love lists, Friday!

  1. Have you seen these seeded popovers? They look irresistible!
  2. 7 Reasons Why You Lose So Many Friends in Your 20s. SO MUCH TRUTH here.
  3. I’m so fascinated by celebrities morning/breakfast routine.
  4. I can’t believe she’s doing commercials now!!
  5. This heart garland is adorable.
  6. Soup! Who wants to try the Best Coconut Soup Ever? ME.
  7. Dip dyed treat bags. You need to be in my life!
  8. This little boy Oscar has captured my heart!
  9. Speaking of hearts, this is how you make a heart shaped cake. GENIUS.
  10. EZ! You had me at No Bake. How good does this dessert look?
  11. Cereal Milk Ice Cream!  AMEN to this.
  12. This impression of Dana from Homeland is spot on.
  13.  EXCEPTIONAL video-blogging tips. Hilarious. Seriously.
  14. It’s so cool to see the behind the scenes of a cookbook!
  15. I loved reading the history of Tina Fey & Amy Poehler’s friendship.
  16. I may have wasted an hour playing with this.


There’s an all new episode of the Joy the Baker Podcast. Joy is in NOLA collecting beads. We talk about Valentine’s Day, ice skating costumes, doughnuts! Episode 83: Mrs. T.

This week on High Straightenence, I organized Cooper’s Toy Drawers!    It’s REFRESHING.

MY Bites Around the Net:

 Domestocrat made my Vanilla Shortbread Cookies

Sugar Mountain also made my Vanilla Shortbread Cookies

Fabulous Family Food made my Giardiniera.

Wherever I am, you are also there made my Broccoli Cheddar Soup w/Mustard Croutons.


February 7, 2013

Shutterbean + Minted GIVEAWAY!

Valentine’s Day is next week! Thanks to Minted, I already have one of my gifts covered. I picked out this awesome print above for Casey. If you’re on Instagram, you know that we take coffee seriously around here. That’s why I fell in love with this print. Having coffee & breakfast on the weekend with my husband is one my favorite things. I believe I do love him more than coffee, and that’s saying a lot. This print will most likely be hung up in our kitchen.

Have you see Minted’s Art Prints? They’re crazy good.  So good, that I actually had a hard time picking.

Here are a few that I had my eye on:

LOVE | Laugh Often Love Much |Love Love LOVE You

Three Again | Wood Grain Hearts | Me & You

Here’s the deal!

Minted is offering an 11 x14 framed print for TWO of my readers.

I’m picking two winners for this giveaway. Two winners- AT RANDOM.

To enter, please leave a comment below, telling me which print you’d like to receive if you won.

Here’s a reference if you wanna check out their selection! 

One entry per person. US Residents Only.


Be sure to check out all the cool ART PRINTS. They have a fantastic assortment of customizable Valentine’s Day Cards too!


February 6, 2013

Chocolate Heart Sandwich Cookies

I have an on-going list of recipes that I want to make but then I flip through a magazine and something new and bold trumps the list and gets made right away. That’s the case for these Chocolate Heart Sandwich Cookies. They were too cute to pass up since I’m a sucker for heart shaped cookies.

I made them while Cooper was taking a nap over the weekend and I think I blew is MIND when he woke up and saw these on the counter. It’s amazing how something so little, cute and charming can have such a big impact (these might be his spirit cookies). I don’t doubt an adult/loved one would have the same reaction. The only difference is that they don’t have to incessantly beg me for another one…cuz they’re grown. They do what they please and have control over their own sugar rush (I hope).

Anything that’s made with love is void of calories & fat….or so I tell myself. Homemade Oreos are like diet food 😉


February 4, 2013

Honey Banana Smoothie

I’m always trying to add MORE and MORE stuff into my smoothies. Kale, spinach, protein powder, flaxseed oil, chia seeds–YOU NAME IT. And while that’s all good, sometimes I just want something simple and uncomplicated. Sometimes I just want to make a smoothie that isn’t trying to deceive anyone (ahem, COOPER).

I want something that reminds me of my childhood– when my dad used to make us smoothies called Orange Cows (just orange juice, malt powder & milk). And here it is, grown up a bit because Greek Yogurt was never a thing when I was young.

And when all is said and done, go ahead and put some flaxmeal, oats, cocoa nibs, kale and whey powder up in this smoothie. It’s your life! But if you want to reboot your smoothie sensibilities, I feel it’s always best to go back to your roots!


My Everyday Life: Week 5

Here’s what this past week looked like:



February 1, 2013

I love lists, Friday!

  1. YOLO. Just. YOLO.
  2. I love seeing how Victoria has transformed her new place.
  3. This winter picnic is charming as heck!!
  4. That cuddly cat of your is a killer! 
  5. Frida Kahlo’s clothes are on display. Have you seen this? I want to see it in person!
  6. I love a face mask I can buy in the produce section.
  7. These slow cooker tips are good. Especially the last one (d’oh!)
  8. I’m so impressed by this picture of lemon zest, I want to punch my screen.
  9. I love seeing how people plan dinner parties. Dana does it well!
  10. Buffalo CAULIFLOWER?! My mouth wants IN at this party.
  11. Who loves glittery nail polish? THIS GIRL.
  12. 21 Life Lessons a la Liz LEMON!  Also look at this 30-Rock joke info-graphics!
  13. What a clever/magical way to present a cookie recipe.
  14. Casey and I are guilty of watching Dance Party on a random weeknight…
  15. These 5 minute espresso walnut brownies are on my TO-DO list.
  16. If you need a PEP TALK, this one is FOR YOU.


Apocalypse Meow is the name of the latest Joy the Baker Podcast. Episode 82 is filled with cat puns, Vine talk, 90s references & questions!

A big THANK YOU to the Marin IJ for featuring me in their newspaper this week. You can read the article/interview here.


My Bites Around the Net:

The Frosted Vegan made my Candied Citrus Peel & added them to a cocktail!

 Snacking Sassy Steph Paleo-fied my Baked Crispy Chicken Wings.

Pies & Plots made my Vanilla Walnut “Shortbread” Cookies


January 30, 2013

Asian Slaw w/ Wasabi Soy Dressing

It’s SLAAAAAW time. Well….it’s balance all the sweets you’ve been enjoying cuz you need to wear a bathing suit in a few weeks (TRACY), time! If you’ve been around these parts for awhile, you already know that I’m a BIG fan of slaws. I’ve made all kinds of slaws! One that’s cool, one that’s full of kale, one that’s rainbow, one with apples & pecans, one with mango, one that’s from the carnival of my childhood.  To say that I’m obsessed would be an understatement. I simply cannot pass up a good slaw. Except when it’s got mayo in it…

This slaw from Steamy Kitchen’s Healthy Asian Favorites caught my eye. Everything in this slaw is julienned (which delights me!) and mixed with a wasabi (spicy!) soy dressing.

Do you find it therapeutic to cut things into matchsticks & line them up into nice little piles? Do you also love going through your purse and organizing all the pockets? Really?! We’re gonna get along just fiiiiine.

And if you’re looking to fall in love with jicama again, this slaw is for you. Jicama is going back in the rotation. How could I forget about you, jicama? Your crispy/crunch is a thing of beauty! Especially with that wasabi-soy dressing that you’re coated in.