January 28, 2013

Turkey Broccoli Cheddar Panini

I had the idea to make this sandwich for weeeeeeeeks. In my head I was thinking of the beauty of roasted broccoli & melted cheddar mixed with the crispy crunch grilled foccacia. It had to be mine. Oh yes, it had to be mine. I can’t begin to tell you how much brain energy went into thinking about this sandwich. #ALOT.

And when I went to execute it, my husband suggested I put turkey up in it. WHAAAT?! My food fantasy went screeching to a halt. Turkey? Hmmm. I think he wanted me to recreate his favorite hot pocket flavor… You know, to maybe reminisce on his bachelorhood.

Those were the days!  <— (we need a font that connotes sarcasm)

He was definitely onto something…and it’s a good thing he’s married to me because I have a way of taking an idea and running with it…

Hot Pockets, you ain’t got nothing on this! Go, Team Benjamin, GO.


My Everyday Life: Week 4

Here’s what this past week looked like:

Sausage, cauliflower, spinach hash with an over-easy egg for Saturday lunch.


January 25, 2013

I love lists, Friday!

  1. What a perfect loaf!
  2. 20 Hilarious Pinterest Fails. I think I just snorted.
  3. Oh…to be the person that Ryan Gosling throws cookies at
  4. The complete Starbucks Experience…AT HOME!! I adore SNL commercials.
  5. People who use flashes at restaurants make me cringe…and ruin it for those who don’t!
  6. Caramel Date Loaf. GIMME. It’s salted!
  7. These were my favorite cookies when I was growing up.
  8. Ummm whoa. Just wait til you see Blake Lively’s high school photo.
  9. Wow! This is what the Cliff House looked like waaaaay back when.
  10. Fascinating Last Photographs of Famous People is…Fascinating!
  11. I love the idea of roasting bananas for banana bread.
  12. Did you see this Paula Deen/Katy Perry deal? Who the heck thought to do that??
  13. Speaking of bananas, WHOA. I would eat this whole cake if I could.
  14. Magical cough/sickness cure? I’m totally trying this.
  15. Honest Department Store Names. OMG. SO TRUE.

THE FLU IS A JERK. That’s a fact. Check out the latest Joy the Baker Podcast!

ORGANIZED: Kid’s Clothes. An all new High Straightenence post is up!

My Bites Around the Net:

Hungry Girl Por Vida adapted my Dark Chocolate Cake Doughnuts.

Guy and His Girl made my Baked Espresso Glazed Doughnuts.  (see! You don’t need a doughnut pan)

The Frosted Vegan adapted my No-Knead Pizza Dough

Not Quite Gourmet  also adapted my No-Knead Pizza Dough

Cooking in Black & White made my Addictive Brussels Sprouts Salad.




January 23, 2013

Baked Espresso Glazed Doughnuts

Everyday at 3PM I crave doughnuts. It was waaaaaaay worse when I was pregnant. I should tell you about that Krispy Kreme incident. Wait. I’ll keep that between me and my husband. When I have these daily doughnut fantasies, they usually involve a cup of coffee. I’m sitting at a table all by myself, inhaling my first doughnut and then savoring every last bite of the second. Unfortunately in real life, I can’t fully give into my coffee & doughnut fantasy because if I drink coffee after 12pm, I turn into a gremlin. Even decaf is no good. My mind & body are weird. That’s a fact.

Let’s smash/bang the two and give you the best of both worlds. Coffee & Doughnuts? How about coffee IN doughnuts. Yeah, I did it. Can you imagine if you drank coffee with espresso glazed doughnuts? That’s like uber meta, is it not? I can’t deal with that fantasy! No sleep for days!! College final exams, anyone?

I have to tell you that these baked chocolate doughnuts have a little espresso kick in them but they’re pushed over the edge of deliciousness with a creamy espresso glaze. They’re almost like caramel chocolate candies but with no caramel. Maybe they’re kinda like Vietnamese coffee? Hmm! All I know is that they’re deeeeeeelish and yes, definitely caffeinated. I did my fantasy right and ate two…bites? doughnuts? Wait. I’m not telling.


January 22, 2013

Kale Apple Carrot Grape Juice

Not too long ago, I shared this juice with Cooper with the hopes that it would be a good way to get greens into his body. I had no idea that it would make him SO DANG HYPER.  I think he got a natural high from the greens of the kale (HELLO CHLOROPHYLL!!), and I’m sure the sweetness of the other ingredients helped… We’re talking non-stop movement for HOURS. I mean like…way more than he normally moves (which is a lot).

Perhaps that’s why I’m obsessed with green juice. It makes me feel so dang good & energetic.


January 21, 2013

Out to Eat: Boot & Shoe Service

A few weeks ago, I had an amazing lunch at Boot & Shoe Service in Oakland with my friend Alix. We met up on a weekday-just the two of us. This was my first experience at the restaurant and it definitely won’t be my last. The place is charming as heck & has an incredible menu that changes daily. So many good things to choose from! I simply cannot wait to have a delicious breakfast & dinner here.


My Everyday Life: Week 3

Here’s what this past week looked like:

Waffles on a weekday. My kid is the luckiest.