I’m totally in denial about how much I have to do this week and in the process I’ve realized that my coping mechanism is kinda messed up. In my head I keep thinking- It’s just food. It’s no big deal. I’ve got this. I mean…this is the kinda stuff I love. Then suddenly a part of my brain is trying to figure out how I am going to fit all the stuff in the oven and the cooking times of everything. Oh! And I’m also processing the fact that I am making my first turkey and that I’m spatchcocking it. And where am I going to find time to clean my toilets & get the sunflowers I want for my table arrangement. My stairs need to be vacuumed too! Suddenly, I’m eating a bite of hobo bread from Trader Joe’s (yeah, that’s a thing) and my to-do list just disappeared.
Food as a coping mechanism? Noted.
Some of you might be in the same boat as me right now and some of you may just have dessert duty or side dish patrol (lucky you!).
If you’ve got crazy hosting brain, you may have forgotten that there needs to be nuts at your appetizer spread. That’s cool. I’ve got something that’s so easy and brainless (we need our brains when we’re getting a whole Thanksgiving together!). What I like about this recipe for Roasted Rosemary Almonds is that it’s a really simple thing to cross off my to-do list. They’re super tasty too. Who doesn’t love almonds?
Hope your/my Thanksgiving isn’t nuts! xo