October 15, 2012

Mini Apple Pie Cheesecakes

While everyone is focusing on pumpkins right now, let’s binge on apples. Let’s be different.

Different is awesome, don’t ya think?

Today, I bring you one of the most delicious desserts I’ve ever made according to my husband.

These are very very powerful words; They’re not to be taken lightly.

What’s better than apple pie? Apple pie CHEESECAKES. Don’t worry, I’ve made them small.

That means we can eat more of them, right? Cool.

These Mini Apple Pie Cheesecakes have a nutty/buttery graham cracker crust with a hint of cinnamon. The cheesecake component is flavored with delicious apple butter and once set, the cheesecakes are topped with a gooey/cinnamon-y walnut apple sauce. I totally just unbuckled my pants re-reading that sentence. They’re SO DANG GOOD, people.


My Everyday Life: Week 41

Here’s what this past week looked like:

It rained this week. It was kind of exciting.


October 12, 2012

I love lists, Friday!

  1. I agree with this statement. We should just do it.
  2. Homemade Oreos?! Yes please!
  3. I swear I could have written this. Cooper is such a music dictator in the car.
  4. Old Photos that need information. Oh yes they do.
  5. On the to-do list. Spaghetti Squash & Meatballs. HEARTY.
  6. The day I talked about Pumpkin Muffins, these showed up in my reader. It’s a sign.
  7. Oh John Cusak….
  8. Carving? Who needs carving when you can PAINT A PUMPKIN!!
  9. Iphone case JACKPOT. For B&W lovers like me.
  10. My dreams have become reality.  And now I’m drooling…
  11. I really loved reading about Emma’s Fitness Story. You will too.
  12. This is one of my favorite salads ever! Plus I love the word Fattoush
  13. Omg. This cat. I love when his leg moves just the slightest bit.
  14. That’s right, I’m totally quotable. 
  15. I have a crush on this blog & these Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls.

Jepper Depper DOOOOO!! There’s an all new Joy the Baker podcast. We get silly this week and Cooper makes a guest appearance.

On this week’s High Straightenence, I ORGANIZED My Notebook! I give you an excuse to stock up on washi tape too!

My Bites Around the Net:

Amy from Amy Bites made my Curried Chicken with Coconut Rice.

Stefanie from Sarcastic Cooking made my Killer Granola!

Cathryn from My Heart’s Content made my Roasted Butternut Squash & Arugula Salad.

Victoria Sponge Pudding Pease also made my Curried Chicken with Coconut Rice.

Tricia from I Sing in the Kitchen made my Apricots with Basil Goat Cheese & Almonds.

Brigitt from Cook with B made my Roasted Brussels Sprouts & Butternut Squash with Cranberries.

October 10, 2012

Super Spinach Salad

There’s this salad that I’ve been obsessed with at Trader Joe’s. It’s called the Super Spinach Salad.

If I need to pick up something quick for lunch at work, I almost always grab this salad.

I’m straight up addicted.  Thankfully, it’s a healthy addiction!

The only problem is that the carrot dressing that comes with the salad adds like a bajillion grams of fat & calories onto this mother load of healthy ingredients.

It seems so unfair.

And then I changed the game. I MADE MY OWN.

Turns out you don’t need a bunch of oil in a salad to make it awesome. This one here happens to be vegan & gluten free too.

I think I just turned this into a Super Super Spinach Salad. Alliteration salad, it is!


October 8, 2012

Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins

I was poking around on my RECIPES page the other day and saw that the MUFFINS section is seriously anemic.

Must make more muffins this year. MUST.

So, here we have Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins. They’re one of my favorites. If you don’t already have a recipe in your repertoire, you should consider this one!

These muffins are light and fluffy on the inside and have a nice little crunch on the outside. The amount of natural lemon flavoring is perfection and those poppy seeds add such a nice bite.

I have a stash of these in my freezer just waiting to be warmed up & eaten on a cool fall morning. I’m thinking a pumpkin muffin comes next! What do you say?


October 7, 2012

My Everyday Life: Week 40

Here’s what this past week looked like:

This is 8am light in our front yard.


October 5, 2012

I love lists, Friday!

  1. I wish I could swim in this. With chips!
  2. I cannot wrap my brain around this. I want it sooooo bad.
  3. Rachel is a true inspiration! She has a gift for decorating. Look at her kids’ room!
  4. If only I could have read this when I was young.
  5. A creative space IT IS. I love the framed lady on the wall.
  6. Danielle! I love LOVE LOVE  your new look!
  7. Been there. Done that.
  8. I wish someone recorded me post-wisdom teeth removal. NOT. HAHA.
  9. Words of Inspiration.
  10. You had me at pumpkin.
  11. WANTED. This table.
  12. AHHH Arrested Development. I CAN’T WAIT.
  13. Caramel Apple Grilled Cheese? YES PLEASE. That rhymes.
  14. For those of you with a blog. *snort* This is pretty good too.
  15. I want to be Mrs. Dark & Stormy this year for Halloween. I’m gonna get started on that.
  16. Make it a Good One. AMEN.
  17. 25 DIY Anthro Inspired Knockoffs. Let’s get our craft on, ladies!
  18. Oh dear. I loved this soo much. I’m gonna try to be in more pictures.


There’s a new Joy the Baker Podcast this week. Marry that Doughnut. We talk about Fall Bucket Lists & Spotted Dick (too much). For those of you that are listening, this is the bag that I have my eye on. Sigh…

A few thoughts on ASKING FOR HELP. I never do it, and I should.


My Bites Around the Net:

 Megan from Take a Megabite made my Pumpkin Pecan Doughnuts. They’re MINI!

Becky from Scouting for Architecture adapted my Pumpkin Pecan Doughnuts too!

Erica from Make Great veganized my Pumpkin Pecan Doughnuts. Woot woot!

Martine of Nourish & Preserve adapted my Curry Chicken with Coconut Rice with Tofu & Quinoa.

This lovely lady from 529 Scout made my Killer Granola. You have good taste in food!