September 1, 2012

My Everyday Life: Week 35

Here’s what this past week looked like:

Waffles are the best thing about weekends.


August 31, 2012

I love lists, Friday!

  1. 53 Arrested Development Jokes You Probably Missed. We need to re-watch this series!
  2. Such a good read! 35 things I’ve learned in my 35 years.
  3. I love this tote! I REALLY need to get crafty.
  4. I wouldn’t trust myself anywhere near this Peanut Butter Cup Magic Shell. Oooooh.
  5. Wes Anderson stuff on Etsy! What a great roundup.
  6. My friend Gaby was such a pretty bride. Also. Tacos in a cup!
  7. Let’s all make this drink this weekend. Okay?
  8. 10 Best Back to School Sandwiches. Good to know!
  9. Proof that waiting will get you what you want/need.
  10. Oooh another good use of an IKEA EXPEDIT bookshelf.
  11. Don’t put a bird on it! Just don’t.
  12. This corn hash looks enticing! You had me at Padron peppers.
  13. I want Ira Glass to be my Dad.
  14. I need to remember to eat stuff like this more.
  15. Paper mache bowl. Whoa that’s easy.
  16. I have my eye on this bracelet.
  17. I don’t know why I can’t stop watching this typewriter thing.
  18. 7 childhood traditions we should bring back. I agree with 1, 2 & 4!


Friends! No new Joy the Baker podcast this week 🙁  Joy is in Maine and I’m going through maj withdrawals! You can listen to all of them here!

There is a new High Straightenence post though! I’m planning a family get together this weekend and this is how I’m mapping out my TO-DO lists.


My friend Alli shares how she meal plans! She was inspired by my post on homefries.

 Rebecca Moss made my No Knead Pizza dough recipe.

Jessica from How Sweet Eats was inspired by my Grilled Peaches with Blue Cheese recipe.

Anne from Anne the Adventurer also made my Grilled Peaches with Blue Cheese recipe!!

Melissa Mann from the RueLala blog used my Basil Infused Oil with Caprese Quinoa.

Iris from Eating Clean in the Dirty City made my Peaches & Plums with Sesame Crumble.


August 29, 2012

Shredded Rainbow Salad

Sometimes I feel guilty when I come home from work and I don’t want to make dinner for my family.

I don’t think I’m alone.

But then I find a recipe that reminds me that food doesn’t have to be complicated. We can just shove stuff into a food processor to make a salad. And how dang easy is it to dump stuff in a jar and make salad dressing. Dang EASY.

Getting my picky almost 4 year old to try shredded beets? That is the opposite of dang easy.

We can add buttery toast and we can call it a meal. We can add grilled meat and call it a meal for my husband.

We’re eating rainbow colors on a weeknight as we should be. Now, what’s for dessert?


August 27, 2012

Dark Chocolate Cake Doughnuts

Sometimes a girl just needs chocolate.

Sometimes a girl just needs a chocolate cake doughnut.

Sometimes a girl just needs a chocolate cake doughnut with toasted coconut on top.

And most of the time, she needs it RIGHT AWAY.


August 25, 2012

My Everyday Life: Week 34

Here’s what this past week looked like:

Last Sunday morning I was reading a magazine & drinking coffee in Carmel. Heaven!


August 24, 2012

I love lists, Friday!

  1. You should listen to Grace’s podcast about Work-life Balance. It’s really good!
  2. Love lists? You know I do…Check out Hula’s!  So many good goals.
  3. I feel this all the time. It’s really fun/difficult/challenging/scary/rewarding to be a parent.
  4. 10 Reasons to Never Eat Free Food. You mean I can’t eat the whole table of free bagels?
  5.  Are we all gonna have a Breaking Bad themed party? Yes?! Let’s get some candy.
  6. I want to lock myself in this bathroom for days. Hope there’s a plug for a mini fridge.
  7. If my kid liked macaroni & cheese, I’d make this every night. Crazy kid!
  8. I have major love for skin-care suggestions. Elise gets all green with this roundup!
  9. Mrs. Julius is my hero. Also how cool is that clipboard wall??!
  10. Still craving Oreos. It’s been two weeks now. This cake would be divine.
  11. If you’re looking for places to eat in San Francisco, Liz can totally help!
  12. We should all make this Blueberry Basil Limeade. Don’t you think?
  13. If you’re trying to remember what makes you happy, Maggie can help!
  14. My friend Lisa made her own font! I adore letters T & R.
  15. Guess who is obsessed with this song? This girl.
  16. I’m gathering ideas to decorate The New Old House on Pinterest. We have a lot of wood ceilings here!

Weight Watchers for Words!  Yeah I said that. Go listen to the latest JOY THE BAKER PODCAST!!!!!!

Can I clean my kitchen in 35 minutes? Find out on the latest High Straightenance!

My Bites Around the Net:

Tanya from Squirrelly Minds made my Angel Hair Arugula Pasta

Sheri from Pork Cracklins made my Tarragon Lime Tea

Diane from Diane, A Broad made my Scalloped Corn

Joy adapted the heck out of my No Knead Pizza. Totes. Maj! Yolo.


August 23, 2012

Herbed Flatbread

“NO WAY. NOOOOOOO WAY. Nooooo way I made that!!!”

That’s what I screamed (in my head) when I took my first bite one of these hot herbed flatbreads. Holy schnitzel, I made my own flatbread! Is it a cracker? Is it a bread? It’s kinda both. This opens up a whole new world. A world full of easily made carbs…. at my fingertips!

They’re buttery even though there’s no butter. It’s the olive oil!  I’m straight up obsessed with the salt & rosemary. I might have to hide this recipe from myself cuz I don’t trust myself. I basically have all of these ingredients at my disposal 24/7.  If I invite you over, expect to see these make an appearance. There’s so much we can do with these.

I can’t deal. I’m just a girl obsessed….with flatbread. But, you know….what else is new?