August 23, 2012

Herbed Flatbread

“NO WAY. NOOOOOOO WAY. Nooooo way I made that!!!”

That’s what I screamed (in my head) when I took my first bite one of these hot herbed flatbreads. Holy schnitzel, I made my own flatbread! Is it a cracker? Is it a bread? It’s kinda both. This opens up a whole new world. A world full of easily made carbs…. at my fingertips!

They’re buttery even though there’s no butter. It’s the olive oil!  I’m straight up obsessed with the salt & rosemary. I might have to hide this recipe from myself cuz I don’t trust myself. I basically have all of these ingredients at my disposal 24/7.  If I invite you over, expect to see these make an appearance. There’s so much we can do with these.

I can’t deal. I’m just a girl obsessed….with flatbread. But, you know….what else is new?


August 22, 2012

Quick Apricot Jam

When we were kids my mom always always ALWAYS bought apricot jam. And as most kids do, we despised apricot jam. We just wanted grape jelly like allllll of our friends. Was that too much to ask, MOM?

And then I grew up and started to like apricot jam until suddenly I grew to loooove it. It’s especially nice when you get those thick bits of apricot in a dollop of jam. I really enjoy that part. As a child? No so much.

So, when I started my preliminary read of the The Sprouted Kitchen Cookbook, the second recipe in the book for Quick Apricot Jam jumped out at me. It was EXACTLY what I wanted/needed. I did not pass go. I did not collect $200. I made that jam RIGHT AWAY and then I ate the whole jar of jam in less than 48 hours.

Quick jams are my favorite because they don’t involve sterilization & canning. I mean…I love that stuff I just don’t always have the time for it. In the end you get a small batch of jam that’s super easy to finish within two weeks. I found every excuse to put  this jam on stuff. But mostly, it was loaded onto a spoon and transported directly into my mouth.

Oh and BTW! If you’re looking for a good cookbook to add to your collection, I highly recommend The Sprouted Kitchen Cookbook. Pre-order it! Put it on your wishlist! Get it for your upcoming birthday, Virgos & Libras! Sara’s eloquent writing is perfectly matched with Hugh’s stunning photography. It’s no wonder they’re married! It’s filled with an assortment of creative/healthy recipes that will help you enjoy a bounty of whole foods & flavors. I have at least 25 little stickies sticking out of the side of the book of recipes to try.  I’m so proud of you Sara & Hugh! You two did such a fantastic job with your first cookbook. It’s a beaut!


August 20, 2012

Grilled Peaches w/ Blue Cheese

Are we all going a bit nuts over peaches right now? Yes. But that’s OK.

We have limited time to enjoy them! Get them while the getting is good, I say!

Peaches for breakfast. Peaches for dessert. Peaches in frozen form. Peaches in drinks. What’s next?

Peaches for dinner! Turns out they’re excellent in the savory realm.

Have you had them grilled? They’re what dreams are made of cuz they’re exxxxxxtra sweet.

Throw on a little blue cheese, toasty hazelnuts, add balsamic glaze & a sprinkle of basil and dinner is served.


August 19, 2012

My Everyday Life: Week 33

Here’s what this past week looked like:

It was my birthday on Saturday!

We spent the weekend with our good friends Amanda & Matthew in Carmel.

I’ll tell you more about that soon, but let me just say there was a lot of wine…


August 17, 2012

I love lists, Friday!


  1. OK OK! I’ll totally make my own yogurt now.
  2. I want my Fall Closet to look like this. Wait. It kinda already does.
  3. Holy kitchen transformation! When we remodel I’m going all white again.
  4. I know my husband would love it if I made this.
  5. Fantastic looking chips & salsa, anyone?
  6. I have a pair of shoes that need this treatment!
  7. 10 Unconventional ways to hang art. Awesome.
  8. When I get my decorate on, I’m gonna make a necklace holder like this.
  9. Please tell me you love Ira Glass as much as I do.
  10. What can you freeze? Great list!
  11. If you have a cat. You will understand why this is funny. JERKS!
  12. I love his enthusiasm for food. I really do. :44 is ME.
  13. Speaking of food. Look at what people eat around the world. Fascinating stuff!
  14. If you need some INSPIRATION, I’ve collected some good quotes.

Do you YOLO? What does that even mean? We discuss what we YOLO on the latest Joy the Baker Podcast.

Another 30 minute project DONE! Check out my latest High Straightenance post on Homefries.

My Bites Around the Net

The Greexican Sisters started a new blog & made my Brussels Sprouts Pizza. YAY!

Jim & Rayvn from Oregon Tale make my Freezer Breakfast Burritos. Nice job!!

Ameneh of Amnevore made a batch of my regular Freezer Burritos. Wahoo!

August 15, 2012

Carnival Cookies

Carnival Cookies! Are you thinking of funnel cakes, corn dogs, pink popcorn & cotton candy? Good.

Now think the opposite of that. Go on. Get your healthy cookie thinking cap on!

These cookies taste like a cross between banana bread, oatmeal cookies, trail mix & cracker jacks spiked with chocolate.

They’re even better when you freeze them and eat them on the fly with some hot tea or coffee.

Also good for when you want to:

  1. clean out the pantry
  2. get rid of brown bananas
  3. have an excuse to use coconut oil
  4. have cookies for breakfast and not feel guilty


August 13, 2012

Honey Lime Strawberries with Ice Cream

I’m writing this on a hot Sunday afternoon in Calistoga. We’re enjoying a sunny day with all of Casey’s family and I’m hiding out in a small dark room typing this.

Womp womp.

Of course the internet connection is slooooooooooooooow like molasses.  And as I sit here waiting for this page to load, I keep thinking about expectations. I expect to get on a computer and have it magically work. I expect lightning fast internet speed just as much as I expect to dive into a bowl of strawberries and ice cream and know exactly what it will taste like.

But…things don’t always meet your expectations. Sometimes the lack of internet is just a higher power telling you that you should be spending time with your family (I’m almost done, honey!!). And sometimes strawberries and ice cream get shaken up and remind you how a few simple ingredients can elevate something basic into something amazing.