When we were kids my mom always always ALWAYS bought apricot jam. And as most kids do, we despised apricot jam. We just wanted grape jelly like allllll of our friends. Was that too much to ask, MOM?
And then I grew up and started to like apricot jam until suddenly I grew to loooove it. It’s especially nice when you get those thick bits of apricot in a dollop of jam. I really enjoy that part. As a child? No so much.

So, when I started my preliminary read of the The Sprouted Kitchen Cookbook, the second recipe in the book for Quick Apricot Jam jumped out at me. It was EXACTLY what I wanted/needed. I did not pass go. I did not collect $200. I made that jam RIGHT AWAY and then I ate the whole jar of jam in less than 48 hours.

Quick jams are my favorite because they don’t involve sterilization & canning. I mean…I love that stuff I just don’t always have the time for it. In the end you get a small batch of jam that’s super easy to finish within two weeks. I found every excuse to put this jam on stuff. But mostly, it was loaded onto a spoon and transported directly into my mouth.
Oh and BTW! If you’re looking for a good cookbook to add to your collection, I highly recommend The Sprouted Kitchen Cookbook. Pre-order it! Put it on your wishlist! Get it for your upcoming birthday, Virgos & Libras! Sara’s eloquent writing is perfectly matched with Hugh’s stunning photography. It’s no wonder they’re married! It’s filled with an assortment of creative/healthy recipes that will help you enjoy a bounty of whole foods & flavors. I have at least 25 little stickies sticking out of the side of the book of recipes to try. I’m so proud of you Sara & Hugh! You two did such a fantastic job with your first cookbook. It’s a beaut!