July 20, 2012

I love lists, Friday!

  1.  Dessert to Dress!! I usually get dessert ON dress.
  2. Remember how I kept track of my clothes? Look at these apps!
  3. Take a rice cooker on the road. This is pretty genius!
  4. I want a Chevron trellis!! 
  6. Did you know that Mercury is in Retrograde? Gala give you some pointers.
  7. Congrats Katie!! Little Miss Phoebe is the cutest! 
  8. And speaking of babies…Jen & Kev’s video just about made me cry!!!
  9. This room makeover is BRILLIANT! What a stunner.
  10. So many good things in the summer issue of Foodie Crush
  11. I want this for breakfast lunch & dinner. MMMkay?
  12. Nail polish RAINBOW!  My rainbow would be soo gothy if I did this.
  13. I’m deal with a picky eater, and this article relieved a TREMENDOUS amount of stress.
  14. My friend Megan shares some good tips on Granola Making!!!
  15. 17 Tips to Make Your Life Easier. I love this stuff.
  16. Ew!! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched this this week. EW.

There’s a NEW Joy the Baker podcast for you listen to! This week Joy & I talk about tattoos, nail polish (chipping!! GRR) lion cats & BLOGS!

This week on High Straightenence I tackled my kitchen’s cluttered desk & junk drawer.  I WILL NOT CLUTTER THAT SPACE UP!! (yeah…we’ll see)

Oh look! It’s my Maj on The Every Girl. I always love reading her answers to questions.

My Bites Around the Net:

This fine lady from Not Quite Gourmet made my Sticky Balsamic Ribs.

Carol Anne from Rock Salt made a batch of my Limoncello.

Betsy from Mod City Mag made my Corn Zucchini Lime Pizza.


July 18, 2012

Freezer Breakfast Burritos

I just worked my way out of a breakfast rut thanks to these Freezer Breakfast Burritos.  I’ve been stuck eating toast & coffee for breakfast for the past two weeks. For a few days, avocado made an appearance on my toast (always welcome!). I also had a wild three day run of sunflower seed butter on toast (I love that stuff). But after awhile, it all gets kinda oooooold. If I have time during the week, I might make an egg… but that usually means I’ll come home to a pan sitting in my sink, full of water and eggy residue. Not pretty. The protein of an egg really helps fill be me up before lunch time…which helps keep my snacking in check….

Cue this Freezer Breakfast Burritos sitch. What a way to turn it around! I’m a huge fan…but my husband is an even BIGGER fan. You know those pointy/spongy #1 fingers you get at baseball/football games? He might as well be wearing one of those when he eats one of these. And this recipe didn’t have any meat in it! Wahoooo!

Two to three minutes in the microwave and a minute or two to let it cool off and breakfast is served! The best part is that you can put ANYTHING you want in them. Customize your own breakfast burritos! Make your own concoctions. Hide vegetables in them. Add chorizo. Put some sausage and bacon in. Make it all mushroom-y and spinach-y. Go crazy!  Breakfast/breakfast for dinner just got waaaay easy.


July 16, 2012

Spicy Zucchini Fritatta

Every few months I fall in love with frittatas. It’s not that I fall out of love with them… I just forget about them. It’s a shame because they’re so easy to make and I LOVE easy things. Maybe I just like to use a few eggs at a time. Or maybe it’s because I’m lazy. Yeah, that’s probably it. Fritattas are super ridiculously easy. I should make them all the time.

This Spicy Zucchini Frittata is like a low carb version of My Corn Lime & Zucchini Pizza. I have always loved the combination of zucchini & corn together. It screams SUMMER to me. With a little kick in the pants of jalapeno, this dish is perfection. The only thing I’d add to it besides cilantro is a little sprinkle of feta. But maybe it’s cuz I keep thinking about that dang pizza. Yeah, that’s totally it.


July 14, 2012

My Everyday Life: Week 28

Here’s what this past week looked like:

Tomato Basil & Mozzarella. The epitome of summer!


July 13, 2012

I love lists, Friday!

  1. 6 Old School Habits to Ensure You Raise a Successful Kid. Check!
  2. Share it Maybe.  I’d like to see the Harvard Baseball team do this one…
  3. This home is such an inspiration.  I want to live in it!
  4. I can’t even DEAL WITH THIS Coffee S’Mores Pie. Oh My Ganache! *ha*
  5. This is exactly the salad I crave during summer.
  6. Sad But True.  That song…AHHH!
  7. Wanna make All-Purpose Gluten Free Flour? Here you go!
  8. The video…the words…the sentiment. Ashley, THANK YOU.
  9. Check out these Enchiladas!!! Stoked to find out that TJ’s enchilada sauce is good.
  10. This print needs to be in my house.
  11. I also LOVE this print. Hilarious.
  12. A q-tip? A toe being sucked? This cracked me up.
  13. I love what Tara wrote about this experience. We are so lucky.
  14. Can I have this office? I could get a lot done there.
  15. I’m thankful for this little blurb about respecting money. Also! Nice drawer!

 My Bites Around the Net

Stefanie from Sarcastic Cook  made my Frozen Cappuccino.

Liz from Carpe Season  made my Strawberry Bruschetta (I loved that video on her post!!)

Anna who writes a blog called Serendipitous  made my Kale Pesto Pasta with Spinach!

Check out this version of  made the Brown Butter Blueberry Muffins I posted.

Stacy from Seattle Seedling make “Bacherlorette’s Jam” now that she’s tried my Strawberry Infused Vodka.

July 11, 2012

Piña Colada Ice Pops

I’m back with another boozy ice pop recipe! Remember those Boozy Frozen Peach Pops? So TASTY!

Let’s discuss these Piña Colada Ice Pops. One little bite will instantly transport you to HAWAII.

It’s the RUM! It’s the COCONUT! Wait….It’s the PINEAPPLE!

Put on your grass skirt, dust off your coconut shell bra and LET’S DO THIS.

It’s like drinking a Piña Colada without the glass!

I kinda feel like we should stick a cocktail umbrella in one….

Aloha, Wiki wiki aaaaaaand MAHOLO.


July 9, 2012

Rigatoni w/ Marinara & Ricotta

It’s been AGES since we’ve had pasta in my household. Why??? Well, there’s  a 3 year old that I live with who doesn’t like pasta. WHAT? Can you imagine that? A kid that doesn’t like pasta? My Italian grandma would consider this sacrilegious.

Since there are two adults in my household that love pasta, I had to make this simple recipe.

Grandma  might be ashamed to know how easy this recipe is. You mean marinara doesn’t have to take 4+ hours to make? The best things in life are just plain simple. Just like this pasta.