September 17, 2023

My Everyday Life Week 37

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 37

My child is playing at Vanderbilt this weekend!  He’s one of the Fresh 50 in the Future Star Series by New Balance. 

My Everyday Life Week 37 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

He got so much swag! 

My Everyday Life Week 37 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

It’s been a fun experience! 

My Everyday Life Week 37 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Baseball mom mode activated! 

My Everyday Life Week 37 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

What a trip to see my child on the big screen! 

My Everyday Life Week 37 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


September 15, 2023


When you get, give. When you learn, teach. I LOVE LISTS// shutterbean


  1. How to help your kids build self-awareness.
  2. I’m reading about the new iPhone 15 pro.
  3. This is your reminder that nutritional yeast exists. 
  4. Amazing astronomy pics. 
  5. These are my reading glasses everyone asks about on Instagram.
  6. People also ask me about my coveralls– and I LOVE THEM! 
  7. Ugly design is ugly! 
  8. Ikea’s first-ever Halloween collection.
  9. Men used to be so dapper in the 1930s/1940s. 
  10. 10 barista tricks that make your coffee tastes better. 
  11. Keep a rotisserie chicken in the fridge. 
  12. Things you shouldn’t cook in a cast iron pan.
  13. 22 best Trader Joe’s grocery items of all time. 
  14. These are my favorite Trader Joe’s pantry staples.
  15. Why do goats have such weird eyes? 
  16. Yard clean up instructions for the fall. 
  17. I love minimalist photography.
  18. This looks like soooooo much fun to play with. I want. 
  19. There’s a new post on The Handwriting Club substack! 

Thank you for all of your kind comments on my post about my weight loss. I am traveling right now and will be able to respond soon. I appreciate your thoughtful responses and encouragement. THANK YOUUUUU! 

September 13, 2023

Shutterbean Weight Loss

My Everyday Life Week 33 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Shutterbean Weight Loss! 

I only made that the name of this post Shutterbean Weight Loss because I have seen that it has been googled a gazillion times. SEO, do your thing! 

So, let’s talk about my weight loss. If this kind of thing is triggering for you, I advise you to stop here.

I do have to let you know that I am still very much on this journey, I am by no means an expert. 

As Ina says:

Well this is what I do - Ina Garten - lettered Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean

Ha! The journey hasn’t been fun. It’s been hard and my hard work has paid off.

If you want to hear about how I decided that I am worth the effort and was tired of making excuses, let’s gooooo.

This is me now. Strongest I’ve ever been!

My Everyday Life Week 36 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

This is what I looked like 55lbs. ago. This is June 2022.


September 11, 2023

Intentions for the Week

Intentions for the Week Workbook by Tracy Benjamin now on sale!

Intentions for the Week- Week 37 in 2023

Happy Monday, friends!

Another MONDAY! We made it. It’s Sunday night. I’m super sleepy. I did meal prep this weekend. Check it out: 


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A post shared by Tracy Benjamin (@shutterbean)

You can see my meal prep here!!

Meal Prep this week includes:

  • sliced cheese
  • shredded cheddar 
  • grapes
  • spinach egg bites 
  • watermelon
  • celery
  • rice 
  • iced tea
  • minestrone soup  

Here are my Intentions for the Week-


September 10, 2023

My Everyday Life Week 36

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 36

Hooray for hard work paying off. I am getting stronger!!! 

My Everyday Life Week 36 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Olive oil shadow. 

My Everyday Life Week 36 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

New growth. Hooray for that. 

My Everyday Life Week 36 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I brought some bay leaves in from a tree outside. 

My Everyday Life Week 36 of 2023- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


September 8, 2023


Your attention is your most precious resource! i love lists //shutterbean


  1. Venice will be employing an entry fee. 
  2. Polaroid is announcing a new camera. 
  3. Have you tried making the Big Mac Taco?
  4. Thrift store painting turns out to be worth a ton.
  5. How artists get famous.
  6. Ways to wear a bandana.
  7. Sheet pan frittata would be a great meal prep staple.
  8. All of the license plates in the United States.
  9. Look at these flying saucer gas stations from the 1970s.
  10. What will gas stations look like in the future?
  11. Why clear ice makes a better cocktail.
  12. The psychology of color in film. 
  13. Dude with sign mashup.
  14. I am the one who mans the grill in my household.
  15. How to pronounce things hilariously.
  16. Overalls in so many colors!
  17. Photos that might break your brain.
  18. Smartphone combined with everyday life. 
  19. Some awesome photos of birds.
  20. Looking at minimal desks make me want to clean mine off.
  21. I love the pops of orange in this artist’s work.

currently enjoying

Getting things cheaper on Thrive Market. I’m a price shopper, so it’s nice to be able to save and shop late at night. If you’re interested in Thrive Market, here’s 40% off your first order. 

Van Neistat videos on Youtube. 

Looking down at my nails with this polish on!

September 6, 2023

Currently August 2023

Currently August 2023- from the Currently Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Currently August 2023

August was a busy month. Most importantly, my baby STARTED HIGH SCHOOL!!!!

For my August pages, I used my Leo collage kit.  Here’s a timelapse video of me working through my pages! 


I always seem to use orange in August.

Currently August 2023- from the Currently Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


Currently August 2023- from the Currently Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Hooray for Leos.

Currently August 2023- from the Currently Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com