I woke up to the strangest dream Sunday morning. In my dream, I was attending a wedding and when I went to find a seat in the front, I noticed there was a spot open right next to Oprah. I quickly took it. She was wearing a shiny pink two piece outfit and I had on a hot red number. I almost remarked that we looked like we’re attending a Valentine’s Day party…but I held back. We said our casual hellos, the wedding service continued and then I felt her nose smooshed against my scalp…sniffing my hair. I let it go on for a bit (umm HELLO, if OPRAH wants to sniff your hair, you let her!) and then she immediately relocated three chairs down. I asked her, “What was that?!!” Then she replied, “I don’t like the smell of your shampoo.”
Then I woke up.

This dream haunted me all Sunday. Why did I dream this? Was it because I just bought new shampoo? Casey told me he liked the way it smelled…
Then I figured it out. This dream was meant to tell me something. In life, you HAVE to take risks. It was a risk for me to chose to sit next to Oprah. So, she didn’t like the way my hair smelled. SO WHAT. At least I got to sit next to Oprah. You never know how things will turn out unless you try.
What does this have to do with chicken?
It turns out cornflakes are a really good coating for baked chicken fingers! They make them taste fried. It’s pure genius.
My girl Oprah would no doubt enjoy these. I even made a tasty honey mustard dipping sauce!
THEY’RE BAKED & DEEEEEELICIOUS (As said in my best Oprah voice, naturally)