LITTLE EFFORT, BIG IMPACT. That’s how I’m living. I almost typed livin’ but I don’t know if I’m that cool.
Maybe I am. I dunno.
I’ve got a lot on my plate these days and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I’m working, podcasting, organizing, mom-ing, wife-ing, cooking, making…In other words, there are a lot of ings in my life right now. The most important ing in my life has been and will ALWAYS be eating. You could have guessed as much.
Since I’m a busy lady with a love for new dishes, most of the recipes I’ve been clipping out have been simple and short. A lot of them require mostly pantry staples with a few fresh produce elements thrown into the mix. This one does just that! I had everything in my kitchen except arugula & apple cider.
Aaaaaand wouldn’t you know that with all the my grocery planning, I totally forgot to pick up the apple cider! It was probably those 3 unplanned minutes spent in front of the kombucha shelf figuring out what flavors to get. Guava? Mango? Passionberry? Oooh Strawberry! Tough decisions. When I got home, I made the executive decision to add the orange juice I already had in my fridge to the warm vinaigrette and it worked like a charm!
This salad has all my favorite things:
Toasted walnuts, dried cranberries, Parmesan, arugula & roasted butternut squash.
Loving. Can we make that the new WINNING? Please?