March 22, 2012

My Top 20 Favorite Movie Soundtracks:

FACT: Most of my favorite songs come from movie soundtracks. I love how music can enhance a movie’s enjoyment and how after overdosing on a soundtrack, you can re-watch a movie and see things differently because you now know a song by heart. I think it’s also pretty interesting how you can find a song you wouldn’t normally like and enjoy it because it reminds you of a scene in a movie. Win-win!

Today I put a list of all of my favorite soundtracks (I just HAD to throw Dirty Dancing in there!) When I’m working, I like to put on a full soundtrack so I can be transported into movie land. I also listed some of my favorite tracks from each soundtrack. ENJOY!

  • Almost Famous Favorite Songs: Tiny Dancer, The Wind & Simple Man
  • Amelie From Montmartre Favorite Songs: Comptine D’Un Austre eTe & La Redecouverte
  • Boogie Nights Favorite Songs: Jungle Fever, Brand New Key & Livin’ Thing
  • Dirty Dancing Favorite Songs: Be My Baby, Hungry Eyes, Love is Strange, Stay & The Time of My Life
  • Drive Favorite Songs: Under Your Spell, A Real Hero & Tick of the Clock
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Favorite Songs: Mr. Blue Sky & Theme
  • Garden State Favorite Songs: New Slang, Fair & Such Great Heights
  • Juno Favorite Songs: All I Want Is You, Vampire, Sea of Love & Anyone Else But You
  • Little Miss Sunshine Favorite Songs:Til the End of Time, The Winner Is, Chicago & No One Gets Left Behind
  • Lost in Translation Favorite Songs: Too Young, On the Subway, Just Like Honey & Alone Kyoto
  • Magnolia Favorite Songs: One, Momentum, Nothing is Good Enough & Save Me
  • Pretty In Pink Favorite Songs: If You Leave, Pretty In Pink, Round Round, Bring on the Dancing Horses & Please Please Let me Get What I Want
  • Reality Bites Favorite Songs: My Sharona, Stay, Spin the Bottle, All I Want Is You & Locked Out.
  • Romy & Michele’s High school Reunion Favorite Songs: Our Lips Are Sealed, I Want Candy & Heave Is a Place on Earth
  • Rushmore Favorite Songs: Hardest Geometry Problem, Blinuet, Oh Yoko & Here Comes My Baby
  • Stealing Beauty Favorite Songs: 2 Wicky, Glory Box, My Baby Just Cares for Me & Superstition
  • The Life Aquatic Favorite Songs: Gut Feeling, The Way I Feel Inside & Ping Island Lighting Strike Rescue Op
  • The Royal Tenenbaums Favorite Songs: Need in the Hay, These Days, Stephanie Says & Christmas Time Is Here
  • The Squid & The Whale Favorite Songs: Courting Blues, Hey You, The Swimming Song & Street Hassle
  • The Virgin Suicides Favorite Songs: Magic Man, How Can you Mend a Broken Heart, Crazy On You & Come Sail Away

Runners up include: Good Will Hunting, Dazed & Confused, Run Lola Run & Trainspotting.

Now…you tell me what movie soundtracks you love! GO!

March 21, 2012

Brussels Sprouts & Bacon Pizza

brussels sprouts bacon pizza

Sometimes when I’m leaving town on a trip, I scatter little post-its around the house for Casey to find while I’m gone. I might also make something special as a little send off, so he can eat something and think of me while I’m away..

Last week I flew up to Seattle to join Joy on her Book Tour and an hour before I left for the airport, I pulled this Brussels Sprouts & Bacon pizza out of the oven. This is one of those special somethings.

brussels sprouts bacon pizza

I figured I’d give him something delicious & hearty to eat while he was busy missing me. I think it worked.

brussels sprouts bacon pizza

This pizza is ridiculously good. The Brussels sprouts get sweet, soft and semi crunchy while the bacon, cheddar, feta add a nice salty bite. You could totally put an egg on it and call it breakfast.  I should have used slices of this pizza as post-its.


March 19, 2012

Strawberry Malted Milkshake

strawberry malted milkshake

Last week I was plagued with strawberry malted milkshake fantasies and had no ice cream to make my dreams come true. With a little teamwork from my pantry and freezer I was able to quench my cravings.

By borrowing the base of my  Raw Chocolate Milk and adding frozen strawberries as well as malted milk powder, I was able to come up with this deliciously smooth & creamy strawberry malted milkshake that’s almost dairy free…

strawberry malted milkshake

One sip and I’m suddenly transported back to my childhood…fighting over a strawberry milkshake with my brothers in the back seat of my mom’s old green station wagon we referred to as The Pickle Mobile.


My Everyday Life: Week 11

Here’s what this week looked like:

Blue & pink in Seattle.

my everyday life: week 11


March 15, 2012

I love lists, Friday!

  1. Research shows that making your bed makes you happier! I believe this.
  2. new blog that I’m loving.
  3. Food Bloggers Guide to Google is as hilarious as it is informative.
  4. Casey has been pushing me to make New England Clam Chowder. I will do this.
  5. 10 Drool Worthy Kitchen Pantries. Nuff said.
  6. The prettiest chocolate frosted cupcakes I’ve seen in AGES.
  7. Roasted Cauliflower with Superspice! You had me at Roasted.
  8. 41 of the most common cooking mistakes. This is GOLD.
  9. I think I might need some pink spray paint….
  10. Drooling over these breakfast tacos!
  11. I need to have a dinner party…just so I can buy these green flats.
  12. These lists make me happy!
  13. cupcake ATM? What the what?!
  14. If it’s raining in your neck of the woods, my friend Andrea has 50 SUNS for you.
  15. And a little Dark Chocolate Potato Bread Pudding w/ Guinness Glaze for St. Patrick’s Day!

A new Joy the Baker podcast is up! We talk about hot air balloons, our current favorite things & we give a listener a challenge! It’s called Close to a Third Party!

There’s also a new High Straightenence post up! Adventures in Meal Planning! I tried out Helen Jane’s technique and liked it!

March 14, 2012

Bacon Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

bacon oatmeal raisin cookies

I’m no stranger to the whole bacon in cookies sitch. I love that sweet salty combination like it’s nobody’s business.  But why limit ourselves to just peanut butter bacon cookies? Let’s go ahead and add it to my favorite cookie of ALL time (besides ginger molasses cookies). I present to you BACON Oatmeal Raisin Cookies.  Why didn’t I think of this sooner?

bacon oatmeal raisin cookies

Let me tell you, these cookies are magical. The promise of one cookie makes my three year old eat ALL of his fruits & vegetables at dinner time.  And after eating three cookies for dessert, my husband gives me the “I love you soooooo much” look that I always hope to see when I make special treats. Good deal.

bacon oatmeal raisin cookies

Did I mention that these beauties are considered breakfast cookies? Think hearty oatmeal & raisins mixed with a crispy cookie/scone. Bacon is added cuz it’s always so hard to figure out if you want a sweet or savory breakfast! It’s an all encompassing cookie and it’s gonna get me into SOOOOOOO much trouble.


March 12, 2012

Avocado Apple & Arugula Salad

apple avocado arugula salad

If you’ve had a crazy EAT WEEK and you’re looking for a good reset button, try this salad.


apple avocado arugula salad

Crispy apples are mixed with creamy avocado, the crunch of sunflower seeds and peppery arugula in a tangy honey mustard dressing.

apple avocado arugula salad

Your taste buds are back on track…craving good things…until you make Breakfast Cookies…

Now you need a new RESET button