February 27, 2012

Kale Cashew & Mint Slaw

kale cashew mint slaw

A few weeks ago I went out to eat at restaurant near work and had the most AH-mazing kale slaw.  It was a special and will probably not to be on the menu again (at least that’s what the waiter said). How am I to resist a special kale slaw? It’s my kryptonite!  My coworker and I ordered the slaw and on the first bite she realized it had garlic in it (she’s allergic to garlic!).

kale cashew mint slaw

When the waiter came back, she asked for a different salad and just when he tried to take her plate away, I called dibs on her slaw. Yeah, I totally did that. The waiter gave me a weird look, but after a few bites of my own slaw I realized that there was no way in HECK I’d let any bit of that slaw go to waste.


Not gonna happen.

kale cashew mint slaw

My coworker got another salad while I ate my slaw and half of hers. I would have totally eaten her whole plate if the waiter didn’t give me the stink eye. Maybe he called dibs on the salad? I heard nothing. I was too busy figuring out what was in the slaw so I could recreate it at home.

My rendition here is pretty close. There’s a little less oil and I didn’t put the grated Pecorino cheese (weird, right?) in the slaw because I wanted to keep it vegan. What I came up with is an Asian inspired slaw that will have you eating off other people’s plates. There’s just something about that mint with the crunchy cabbage & kale in that tangy sweet sesame dressing. Straight up addictive, I say!


February 25, 2012

My Everyday Life: Week 8

Here’s what this week looked like:

Saturday morning breakfast. Semifreddi’s Cinnamon Twist challah is INSANITY.

my everyday life: week 8


February 24, 2012

I love lists, Friday!

  1. Friends lift you higher! The sooner you realize that, the happier you’ll be! 🙂
  2. DIY Easy Skin Toner. I need to talk to Joy abut this one.
  3. This blog is so beautiful. And their house? I die.
  4. Chain Link Bread! We are all connected now. YAY.
  5. I am strangely drawn to these colors.
  6. Vegan Bear Claws? Twist my arm (yeah right).
  7. Creepy yet Cool!
  8. Soup. Words. Rhythm. I love this all.
  9. I’m so happy for my friends Lisa & Clay. Congrats, you two!
  10. I happen to be a tape lover and why YES, this is my paradise.
  11. I’m pretty excited to see a jar of coconut oil in Deb’s kitchen!
  12. FAIL HARDER! This makes my thumbs hurt.
  13. My hazelnut craving is further fueled by thekitchn this week.
  14. I just fell in love with NOTE TO SELF. Eye Candy galore!
  15. Robert Downey Jr. as pin-ups. Cannot look away. CANNOT.

Sexy In Sexy Out! Did that get your attention? The new Joy the Baker Podcast is up!

Do you secretly love to look inside people’s fridges? You can look in mine this week on High Straightenence!

Thank you Say Media for putting Shutterbean on the Online Food World map! Happy to be at the camera lens!

So nice to see my Earl Grey Chocolate Cake on the Honey Kennedy Blog!

February 22, 2012

Earl Grey Chocolate Cake

Food blogs are funny. If you look at this picture, you might assume that I had a neighbor/ friend over for tea. In reality I was standing on a chair, trying not to make a lot of noise while my 3 year old napped away in his room upstairs. I was also trying really hard not to fall off said chair; I don’t have a good history with standing on chairs…

earl grey chocolate cake

I was sorting my way through a pile of papers during Cooper’s nap when I found a little recipe card for this Earl Grey Chocolate Cake. It’s been waiting to be made since I clipped the recipe out in college.  I was craving something chocolatey, I had all of the ingredients and wanted a cup of tea. It was a sign. I feel it’s important to always pay attention to signs like these. This cake came together in less than 15 minutes and it took about the same amount of time to clean it all up. I love that in a cake.

After the cake was done and sprinkled with powdered sugar, I had a pretend tea party in my kitchen where I drank one cup of tea and ate two slices of cake. You can’t let cake go to waste like that. When it’s exposed to air like that it’s got a short shelf life…or something.

earl grey chocolate cake

Tea parties for one are where it’s at. Especially when a beautiful Earl Grey perfumed chocolate cake is your star dessert.

A fancy hat & gloves are totally optional.


February 21, 2012

Orange Spiced Cashews

orange spiced cashews

When I have company over I like to make some type of nut concoction. Nuts round out a cheese plate and they are usually appreciated by people who are vegan & gluten free (as long as you use the appropriate ingredients).

orange spiced cashews

These orange spiced cashews evoke images of Darjeeling Limited.

It’s totally the combination orange zest, coriander & cumin with that sweet corn syrup.

You know what that means, right?! Tracy is going to do a weird visual thing again. Wait for it…


February 20, 2012


One of the most popular emails I get is “I’m working on a wedding registry, can you tell me what essentials I should put on it?” So here you go!  The SHUTTERBEAN kitchen could not operate without these items:


My Everyday Life: Week 7

Here’s what this past week looked like:

This license plate says MWUHAHA. I was thoroughly amused by this on my commute to work.

my everyday life: week 7