February 17, 2012

I love lists, Friday!

  1. Ron Swanson Embroidery! Does it need an explanation?!
  2. Katie’s photography inspires me to no end.
  3. I could watch/have watched these gorgeous videos ALL DAY LONG.
  4. 1 shirt, styled 5 ways! I heart numero uno!
  5. Mini cakes made in cans. BRILLIANT!
  6. I love that this post starts with Let’s fry our breakfast. Umm OK!
  7. This muffin and this pudding make me want hazelnuts SO BAD.
  8. Gonna make something special with this Freezer Paper Stencil HOW TO!
  9. The trouble with working from home…
  10. This is how I see the world. Finally! A representation of how my brain works.
  11. Nothing prettier than cut open citrus. Seriously.
  12. I love listening to the latest Turntable Kitchen mix at work.
  13. How to look like Ryan Gosling. WHOA.
  14. My hair is no where near long enough to make curls, yet I watched this whole video.
  15. What a tasty looking Soup Roundup!
  16. This Spin Doctors song will always conjure up this scene for me. Always.

On the Joy the Baker Podcast this week, it’s Real Life Real Talk. We catch up on what’s going on in our lives and we overuse (we meaning ME) the word SHUCK.

This week on High Straightenence, I sort out & organize Cooper’s toys! It’s a fun mess.

February 16, 2012

Highlights from the Alt Summit:

It’s been almost a month since I was at the Alt Summit in Salt Lake City…. Yeah, I’m a little behind. I finally carved out a little time to go over my notes from the trip and now I’m ready to digest them! Even though this conference wasn’t a Food Blog conference, it left me with PLENTY of food for thought. See what I did there?

Here are a few of my highlights:

Be proactive instead of reactive. Think of this is in terms of getting organized & getting things done. Instead of hanging out on twitter & facebook first thing in the morning, get to work! Wasting time being apart of someone else’s conversation doesn’t help you with starting your own. You will have more to show for your hard work if you’re actually working.

Don’t think of balance as a seesaw. Balance isn’t a straight line. Think of balance as if you are juggling balls. Each ball in your life has a different weight. Through the process of elimination, you can decide which balls to let go of and which to hold on to dear life for. You must constantly evaluate and weigh the importance of each new thing you plan on inviting into your life. It is also important to take a step back and evaluate how to make things better so you can continue to juggle the biggest balls in your life (get your head out of the gutter).

Guilt. If it won’t motivate you to do something, then it’s a waste of your time.


February 15, 2012

Baked Artichoke Squares

My parents entertained A LOT when we were growing up.  It was pretty exciting because it meant a few things. 1. We could play video games without my parents getting into our business. 2. We could steal cans of Coca-Cola from underneath the card table and make our own soda concoctions in the backyard 3. My mom would have certain special things for us to eat like Baked Artichoke Squares & DESSERT. We only had dessert when company was over.

baked artichoke squares

The thing about these Baked Artichoke Squares is that they’re not the prettiest looking appetizer. What they lack in beauty, they make up in taste. Me and my brothers always got into them before our parent’s guests arrived and my mom would chase us around the house totally peeved. Flash forward a few decades and I’m in my own kitchen, making them for company. I always have a difficult time not polishing off the batch before I put them out on a plate for guests. Old habits die hard.

baked artichoke squares

My friend Jessica put it best by describing them as being like “portable artichoke dip!”  She’s totally right. It’s like artichoke dip met quiche and had a baby. And the baby was the most perfect baby EVER!


February 13, 2012

Warm Pear-Raspberry Bruschetta

ENTERTAINING 101: If you’re planning on having a slumber party involving LOTS OF WINE, make sure breakfast the next morning is SIMPLE.

warm pear -raspberry bruschetta

Toasting bread, caramelizing pears and spreading cinnamon sugar & mascarpone on top is child’s play.

Adding a side of scrambled eggs with truffle salt & bacon? That’s where things get a little more complicated.

Photographing a brand new recipe in front of 4 people who are waiting to eat breakfast? Crazy idea!

Especially when you forget to drink coffee.

warm pear -raspberry bruschetta

This one is definitely going in my I DRANK TOO MUCH LAST NIGHT BUT HAVE TO FEED SOMETHING AWESOME TO GUESTS, folder. It’s super scrumptious & simple!


My Everyday Life: Week 6

This is what this past week looked like:

Wearing all black and finding color.

my everyday life: week 6


February 10, 2012

I love lists, Friday!

  1. Fashion time! 4, 6 & 8 are my faves
  2. Let it be simple. Strive for good enough!
  3. Bag organizer! WANT.
  4. I have a new blog crush! Check out Emmadime. You’ll love it.
  5. I’m obsessed with this song and that look at about 1:13.
  6. Everything is going to be OK. I know it will, Mati! You have the best attitude!
  7. Like WHOA!! Strawberry Cashew Milk Shake. Perfection.
  8. Rad Business cards collected from Alt Summit 2012.
  9. This is so creepy, yet I can’t stop watching it.
  10. DIY Valentine’s Day Cards. I love the watercolor one.
  11. I love her sense of color as much as I love her sense of humor
  12. Beautiful Cookies trumped by nose picking! HAHA
  13. Love all of these colors!
  14. This light in this kitchen is stunning. Oh & there’s pancakes too!
  15. Fantastic/Fun/Breathtaking wedding Part ONE and TWO
  16. Someday I’ll have chickens

This week on the Joy the Baker podcast, Me & Joy talk about FRIENDSHIP. The good, the BAD & the ugly. It’s real talk!

I also finished another organizing project on High Straightenence. My bathroom shelves are nice & neat.

A big THANK YOU to Hello Giggles for including me in their 5 Blogs You Should Be Reading List! xox

February 9, 2012

Clove-Scented Sidecar

FACT 1: I’ve never ridden in a sidecar. I’ve always wanted to.

FACT 2: I’ve never had a sidecar drink. Until now!

What would happen if you drank a sidecar while riding IN a sidecar? I bet it would be a very messy endeavor. It would be classy as all heck though. With some cool goggles, a nice scarf and some leather gloves. Wait!

This is the image I have in my head: