Random thoughts going through my head:
Do you think that someone actually counted out a thousand seeds in this recipe? At what point did they get interrupted by a 3 year old and lose count? My guess is 33. Do you think it’s a thousand seeds per muffin or per batch? If I walked over to the mirror right now, how many seeds would be stuck in my front teeth? Who would be the first person to tell me about that poppy seed stuck near my canine? Why is the term muffin top so good yet so frightening? Why can I not resist a bread product covered in seeds?
Do you think there’s a thousand specks of glitter in my nail polish? I put on three coats…
Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds and sesame seeds make up that seeded muffin top. I told you they were seedy! They’re super healthy (almost NO oil!) and packed with a fun ingredients including yogurt, bananas, whole wheat flour, ground flaxseed, whipped eggs whites and pureed dates! If you’re planning on eating one before you leave the house, check your grill in the mirror! It’s totally seed central.