I dropped Cooper off at preschool yesterday and immediately headed to the post office to mail packages & pick up stamps for the holiday cards I have yet to send out. The line at the post office went smoothly and the lady who helped me was an absolute dream. Hooray for excellent customer service! Then I went to pick up a few groceries and just when I was ready to tackle another item on my TO-DO list, my car wouldn’t start! For the first time in my life, I ran out of gas. I KNEW I should have stopped at the gas station before I got groceries but I felt like I’ve been pushing EVERYTHING in my life to the limit lately, I assumed my car would push too. Thank God for husbands who come to the rescue!

Emails piled up in my inbox, clean laundry overflowed in baskets on my living room floor and then one of my cats puked on my stairs (which I stepped in!). To combat the stress, I took a break and went out to lunch with Casey. We went to get fancy sandwiches and fresh air but after THREE attempts at making my sandwich without mayo and over an hour of my limited time wasted, I felt like throwing in the towel. It just wasn’t my day!
Instead of tackling my TO-DO lists when I got back from the sandwich fail, I made these white chocolate peppermint pretzels instead. Getting lost in dipping pretzels into creamy melted white chocolate, studding them with cracked candy canes and lining the rods (haha, rods!) up into organized rows, made me happy. And then… I got a call from preschool telling me that Cooper needed to be picked up ASAP because he contracted pinkeye. It’s a good thing I got at least one solid thing done that day…

What’s my point? There’s no doubt that the holidays can be stressful. These little obstacles in life are only as big as we make them.The pressure we put on ourselves this time of year has the power to erase the holiday spirit we’re supposed to give & receive. Relax!
If you’re stressing out because the clock is ticking and you haven’t figured out what to make for the holidays, just make these easy white chocolate peppermint dipped pretzels. They’re therapeutic and they pose as little reminders of how sweet, savory & crunchy life can be.
Remember: Make things simple and give yourself permission to slow down!