The other day I was showing Casey a gift guide I saw online for men and he said “I would never want you to buy me any of that stuff!” I happened to like all the items on said gift guide and was wondering if it’s because the list was made by a woman. So I asked him to come up with his own Gift Guide and here’s some of his suggestions. A guide FOR THE MAN, by a man. Enjoy! CONTINUE READING
Today I’d like to introduce you to a talented friend of mine, Jenifer Solomon Lake- owner of Sprout Studios!
Jenifer makes the most amazing pieces of jewelry. She’s got such an incredible eye for color, it’s no wonder she’s an art teacher!
365- Week 49
A food related photo everyday until 2012. Here’s week 48:
340/365 Eating an almond biscotti in a random alley in North Beach.
I love lists, Friday!
- I’ve totally had these before….and I’m not ashamed to say I’ve eaten a whole tray of them…
- Love love LOVE this post about being creative.
- Another online magazine to get obsessed with! I heart RUE.
- Adorable yarn covered letters! I need some of these around my house, STAT.
- A rainbow maker looks pretty awesome.
- 8 minute mini cinnamon rolls?!! What what!?
- I love everything about this Raspberry Glam Trifle!
- 13 things your camera wishes you knew. Oh man. This is good/important.
- Get in the holiday spirit with a rockin’ Christmas mix by Alix of Modern Kiddo.
- Speaking of music, I’m so glad I bought this album. It’s totally putting me in the holiday spirit.
- One day, this will be mine!
- Cookbooks I want for Christmas: One Two Three Four (are you listening, SANTA?!)
- PERFECT GIFTS– That’s the title of the latest Joy the Baker podcast, we talk about our favorite things (Oprah style!) and gift giving for the holidays. I might have mentioned I drank a beer in the shower last week. No biggie.
- Do you love a good Before & After story? Check out my latest High Straightenence post on Homefries! My desk is FINALLY CLEAN! CONTINUE READING
Homemade Amaretto
Remember when we had to do those Science Fair projects that required foam-core board, photos and colored construction paper? I’ll never forget those! It stresses me out to think of all of the times our printer stopped working the night before my project was due. My brothers totally sabotaged one of my experiments when I was in 7th grade and I still haven’t forgotten about it. I’ll spare you the drama.
If I was to do a Science Fair project as a grownup, I’d enter with this Homemade Amaretto.
Imagine this: my foam-core board is a very dark gray (of course it is!) and all the fancy lettering is white with yellow construction paper. It’s totally eye-catching (I always put more work into what my project looked like than the actual project. Figures, right?). There could be a few silver stars pasted on for extra appeal. Who knows!
On the left-hand side you’ll find this:
And then I show the judges a step by step pictorial of my project:
Homemade Limoncello
(what someone blurts out when they get a bottle of homemade limoncello as a present for Christmas)
Have you had limoncello before? Oh man, it’s good! If you’ve never had it, it’s a sweet Italian lemon liqueur that comes from the Amalfi coast and it’s abso-fricking delightful. It’s pretty much the nectar of the gods, if you ask me. I love adding it to sparkling water, drizzling it on top of vanilla ice cream, mixing it with cranberry juice or sipping it from a fancy cordial glass. Limoncello is heavenly when served directly from the freezer where it remains cold, syrupy and viscous. Think maple syrup but lemony & boozy!
If you’re trying to figure out what to make for the holidays, might I suggest this? You need about 8 days from start to finish and it lasts up to 3 months in the freezer. The hardest part is giving it away! Now, tell me what are you waiting for! There are people to impress…
Maple Bourbon Cider
12 tips for surviving the holiday season:
1. Mistletoe. Stay away from it & you’ll avoid close to 80% of all holiday awkwardness.
2. Bring booze to a party. The party can start once you arrive.
3. Drink a glass of water for every boozy drink you drink. You just have to.
4. When your mother asks you AGAIN when you’re having another baby, distract her with booze.
5. Drink booze when you find out you did not get a Christmas bonus.
6. If you DO get a Christmas bonus, buy a nice bottle of booze. Buy one for your boss too. You both deserve it.
7. Gift cards are awesome. Whoever said they weren’t thoughtful, clearly doesn’t get it.
8. If you ate too many cookies don’t feel bad. Just eat salad for the next few meals. Also, inhale kale.
9. Keep tabs on who’s around you when you open presents. This is important information for future re-gifting.
10. If you plan on wearing an ironic/bedazzled Christmas sweater, avoid open flames.
11. Whenever there’s awkwardness in a conversation, blurt out the word YULE LOG.
12. Host a Christmas party and make Maple Bourbon Cider. Make some cheese straws while you’re at it.