December 5, 2011

Christmas Decor 2011


December 4, 2011


Shutterbean is teaming up with Yumalum to offer you an awesome giveaway just in time for the holidays!


December 2, 2011

365- Week 48

A food related photo everyday until 2012. Here’s week 47:

333/365 A peppermint cupcake at Kara’s Cupcakes.



December 2, 2011

I love lists, Friday!

  1. Can I tell you how much I’m in love with this coat? I feel like it was made for me!
  2. If I could have a girl that would say crocodile in french, I’d try for a 2nd baby right THIS INSTANT.
  3. Shirts with hearts on them are the new black. You can make your own!
  4. I just love a What’s in My Bag post, don’t you?
  5. Not gonna lie, I’m kind of obsessed with this cute blog!
  6. What better way to show that you love someone? Giant Cross stitch heart!
  7. Popovers. Yup. Popovers are on my TO DO list.
  8. Roasted potato stacks anyone? I get dibs on the crispiest stack!
  9. Why does this seem like the best idea ever?
  10. This Father/Daughter dance medley is BOSS! What a good sport, dad!

And in other news!

-Check out the latest Joy the Baker podcast episode # 28: MERRY XMAS TO ME! This week we talk what to wear/bring to holiday parties, American girl dolls (what?!) and our thoughts on egg nog. It’s real fun!

-I made a fancy schmancy Gin & Pomegranate LOVE POTION for my good friend Miss James & her new hubby Aubrey to celebrate their nuptials!

-I somehow worked up the courage to share what my desk looks like to the whole world. WARNING! It’s A HOT MESS. But don’t worry, I’m cleaning my act up!

November 30, 2011

Coconut Lime Bars

coconut lime bars

I think you’ve heard me confess in some other post that I am not a big chocolate lover. Yeah, I said it!  I like chocolate, I just don’t LOOOVE it like I love desserts starring coconut, citrus, nuts, cinnamon, or fruit. When Christmas rolls around, I have a bunch of chocolate related gifts from people and what do I do with them? I pass them off to my husband, who happily devours anything sweet in nature.

coconut lime bars

If you were to give me any type of homemade treat for Christmas, I’d happily enjoy a little package of these Coconut Lime Bars. Let me tell you why! Imagine two outrageously chewy cookies (one coconut & one macadamia nut lime) placed on top of each other & smooshed together in bar form. That’s what these bars taste like. The bite is AMAZING and that crunch from the macadamia nut? I die.

coconut lime bars

So when you’re thinking of homemade gifts, consider your friends (like me!) who don’t go gaga for chocolate. These will certainly do the trick! Besides, your bars will stand out in a crowd and you know how much we want that 😉


November 29, 2011

Grape Cucumber Pear Juice

grape cucumber pear juice

I get the feeling that everyone who owns a juicer is juicing this week. Am I right or am I right? I was toying with the idea of doing another 3-day juice cleanse this week, but my head’s not there yet. I’ve got have a whole box of crackers in the pantry and a few coconut lime bars (recipe soon!) to eat through first. I did however, juice til dinner on Saturday and that felt pretty great.

grape cucumber pear juice

In the 3 Day Cleanse book, they describe this juice as being “very clean tasting.” After my eat week, that was all I needed. The grapes are sweet & juicy. The pear & cucumber are both pleasantly mellow and the ginger is a nice kick in the pants. This what I like to call a spa juice. Put some cucumber slices on your eyes, wrap a towel around your head and drink away. Clothing is totally optional.


November 27, 2011

Kale Salad w/ Coconut & Sesame Oil

kale salad w/coconut & sesame oil

While everyone was reheating their leftover Thanksgiving dinner Friday night, I rushed out to the grocery store (which was nice & empty BTW) to fill up my cart up with vegetables to juice and kale to inhale. It seems that last week I ate like my life depended on it; it’s the holidays!

kale salad w/coconut & sesame oil

Saturday morning I woke up and juiced, went for a walk, cleaned house, worked in the kitchen, decorated our house for Christmas, drank water like a fish, juiced again and made this amazing kale salad for dinner.

kale salad w/coconut & sesame oil

One of the reasons I picked this recipe from the Super Natural Every Day Cookbook was that it looked extremely healthy, yet filling. I also thought it would help get my taste buds in check since they were accepting nothing but pumpkin pie and my mom’s stuffing for 24 hours straight. I found myself scarfing down the salad, but it wasn’t because I was super hungry. The toasted coconut and the crispy kale coated in olive oil, sesame oil and shoyu created a buttery/salty/ crunchy effect that I like to call instant crack! It’s a delightful thing when “health food” becomes addictive, isn’t it?