Shutterbean is teaming up with Yumalum to offer you an awesome giveaway just in time for the holidays!
365- Week 48
A food related photo everyday until 2012. Here’s week 47:
333/365 A peppermint cupcake at Kara’s Cupcakes.
I love lists, Friday!
- Can I tell you how much I’m in love with this coat? I feel like it was made for me!
- If I could have a girl that would say crocodile in french, I’d try for a 2nd baby right THIS INSTANT.
- Shirts with hearts on them are the new black. You can make your own!
- I just love a What’s in My Bag post, don’t you?
- Not gonna lie, I’m kind of obsessed with this cute blog!
- What better way to show that you love someone? Giant Cross stitch heart!
- Popovers. Yup. Popovers are on my TO DO list.
- Roasted potato stacks anyone? I get dibs on the crispiest stack!
- Why does this seem like the best idea ever?
- This Father/Daughter dance medley is BOSS! What a good sport, dad!
And in other news!
-Check out the latest Joy the Baker podcast episode # 28: MERRY XMAS TO ME! This week we talk what to wear/bring to holiday parties, American girl dolls (what?!) and our thoughts on egg nog. It’s real fun!
-I made a fancy schmancy Gin & Pomegranate LOVE POTION for my good friend Miss James & her new hubby Aubrey to celebrate their nuptials!
-I somehow worked up the courage to share what my desk looks like to the whole world. WARNING! It’s A HOT MESS. But don’t worry, I’m cleaning my act up!
Grape Cucumber Pear Juice
I get the feeling that everyone who owns a juicer is juicing this week. Am I right or am I right? I was toying with the idea of doing another 3-day juice cleanse this week, but my head’s not there yet. I’ve got have a whole box of crackers in the pantry and a few coconut lime bars (recipe soon!) to eat through first. I did however, juice til dinner on Saturday and that felt pretty great.
In the 3 Day Cleanse book, they describe this juice as being “very clean tasting.” After my eat week, that was all I needed. The grapes are sweet & juicy. The pear & cucumber are both pleasantly mellow and the ginger is a nice kick in the pants. This what I like to call a spa juice. Put some cucumber slices on your eyes, wrap a towel around your head and drink away. Clothing is totally optional.
Kale Salad w/ Coconut & Sesame Oil
While everyone was reheating their leftover Thanksgiving dinner Friday night, I rushed out to the grocery store (which was nice & empty BTW) to fill up my cart up with vegetables to juice and kale to inhale. It seems that last week I ate like my life depended on it; it’s the holidays!
Saturday morning I woke up and juiced, went for a walk, cleaned house, worked in the kitchen, decorated our house for Christmas, drank water like a fish, juiced again and made this amazing kale salad for dinner.
One of the reasons I picked this recipe from the Super Natural Every Day Cookbook was that it looked extremely healthy, yet filling. I also thought it would help get my taste buds in check since they were accepting nothing but pumpkin pie and my mom’s stuffing for 24 hours straight. I found myself scarfing down the salad, but it wasn’t because I was super hungry. The toasted coconut and the crispy kale coated in olive oil, sesame oil and shoyu created a buttery/salty/ crunchy effect that I like to call instant crack! It’s a delightful thing when “health food” becomes addictive, isn’t it?