A food related photo everyday until 2012. Here’s week 46:
326/365 Candy Cane Joe Joe’s on my counter = dangerous!
A food related photo everyday until 2012. Here’s week 46:
326/365 Candy Cane Joe Joe’s on my counter = dangerous!
But wait! There’s more:
-This week on High Straightenence over at Homefries, you can check out how I’m tackling my obscene paper situation with my new Paper Station!
-There’s a new Joy the Baker Podcast. We talk about Surviving Thanksgiving (or any holiday for that matter!). Lots of giggling this week.
-If you’ve wondered what it’s like to be a food blogger during Thanksgiving, here’s my take on the Shutterfly Blog.
I am thankful for YOU. That’s right, YOU. I love your comments. I love your love. I love it when you tweet me or post pictures on my Facebook page of a recipe you’ve made from my website. You brighten my day and you keep me going. You make my life happy. THANK YOU!
There are other things in my life that I am thankful for. First! I am thankful for my camera phone which allows me to take pictures of what I am thankful for. Here we go!
Here we are, two days away from Thanksgiving. TWO DAYS. Truth be told, I haven’t given much thought to what I’m making this year because I’m living in a place called DENIAL right now.
What I do know is that I’ll be making a scrumptious sweet potato puree with pecans that I’ve never posted before cuz I always make it last minute and never have enough time to photograph it. Maybe one year I’ll get around to it. This year I’ve been given the responsibility of making a fancy dessert and I’m thinking this Pear Cranberry Crumble might fit the bill! My mom always makes a traditional pumpkin pie but we always like something new and different to serve with it.
If you’re waiting til the last minute like me, let me throw you a life raft. I’ve got a few ideas for you!
MOIST. Does that word make you cringe? Sorry about that. It looks especially bad when it’s in CAPS, huh?
The word MOIST doesn’t bother me for some reason. I do, however, cringe at the words ointment and discharge but that’s a completely different blog post altogether. To cater to the moist haters, I tried searching on the Google machine for some synonyms and what I found just doesn’t cut it.
I wouldn’t call this Pear Cranberry Walnut Bread humid, drizzly, soggy, misty, mushy or clammy. It’s just dense, sturdy and moist- everything I like in a sweet breakfast/snack bread.
Sweet pears make up most of the liquid base. Cranberries add a little tartness and a pop of color. Walnuts provide good crunch and the lemon zest adds a little perfume into the bread. It’s no surprise that a loaf didn’t last 24 hours in the Shutterbean household.
A food related photo everyday until 2012. Here’s week 45:
319/365 Making a pear cranberry walnut something rather.
But Wait! There’s more!
This week on High Straightenence I show you what a great pile maker I am! That’s right. Don’t believe the hype, things aren’t as perfect as they seem at my house. I’m a magnet for clutter.
Stay tuned for the new episode of the Joy the Baker Podcast. It will be out tomorrow!
Happy Weekend, friends!