September 26, 2011

Episode #19 is up!

Hello! Sorry it’s been crickets & tumbleweeds around here.  I just got back from teaching with Joy at the HomefriesU BACK TO SCHOOL retreat in Palm Springs. It was soooo much fun! Don’t worry, I’ll post more on that soon. Did you get a chance to listen to Episode 19 of the Joy the Baker Podcast? Joy & I  talk about GUILTY PLEASURES. Not only do we share a few of our own, we hear from a few listeners! Bacon? Donuts? Housewives? Costco samples? YES!

Happy Monday, friends. More soon!

September 20, 2011

Scallops with Creamed Corn and Tarragon

scallops with creamed corn & tarragon

The key to a successful relationship is compromise. Sometimes you just have to take one for the team. Doing the dishes without being asked, watching an episode of Project Runway, tolerating a 16 inning baseball game or eating Indian food for dinner because that’s what your significant other was craving are all legitimate examples.

scallops with creamed corn & tarragon

I’m not a die hard fan of scallops, but my husband is. I’ve had a few seared scallops at restaurants over the past few years and I’ve learned that searing a scallop is key to me liking a scallop. So why would I make scallops for dinner even though I don’t really love them? Because I’m taking one for the team! I’m making my husband happy and that, my friends, is compromise. What I love about this recipe is that it tastes like it was made in a restaurant. I’d totally spend $20 for this dish because tastes expensive and exotic. It’s all about the vermouth & tarragon. Casey told me this dish was one of the best things I’ve made; he’s not wrong. Sometimes through the act of compromise, you find things you really like. Compromise can be awesome.

September 20, 2011

Interview with Mom Inc Daily

Friends! I recently did an interview with Mom Inc Daily about being creative, doing my thang & being a mom.


September 18, 2011

Caramelized Onion Jam

caramelized onion jam

Let’s talk about kitchen staples for a sec. You should always have extra virgin olive oil on hand. Always always always. Onions are a must too. Make sure you get some every time you’re out grocery shopping.  Balsamic vinegar, chicken stock, salt & brown sugar are necessities as well. Why? Because without these staples, you can’t just go into your kitchen one Sunday afternoon and make caramelized onion jam on a whim. And how sad is a refrigerator that doesn’t have a nice little jar of Caramelized Onion Jam in it? Very sad.

caramelized onion jam

So, what does one do with Caramelized Onion Jam? Let’s brainstorm!

  • put it on a pizza with Gorgonzola and pears
  • add it to crostini with figs and goat cheese & prosciutto
  • put it on a steak sandwich or burger with a grainy mustard
  • add it to pasta with roasted tomatoes and peppers
  • stir it into your mashed potatoes
  • shove some in your grilled cheese
  • put some on a hot dog
  • make an arugula salad with it
  • add it to a baked potato with sour cream
  • add it to an omelet with mushrooms
  • stand in front of your fridge and eat it directly from the jar

Caramelized onion jam is now a staple!


September 17, 2011

365- Week 37

A food related photo everyday until 2012. Here’s Week 36:

256/365 A hibiscus fizz & a fancy lemonade with Hula & Leslie at Luka’s.


September 15, 2011

Three Cheese & Herb Tomato Tart

three cheese herb tomato tart

Let’s pretend we are neighbors for a second. Wouldn’t that be awesome? We’d have coffee together in the mornings with an occasional cinnamon roll or maybe a slice of coffee cake. I’d call you up last minute to see if you wanna hop in the car for a late night Target run and you’d totally be down. In fact, you suggest we hit up IKEA on the way there. Good call! Sometimes I’d borrow a few eggs or a cup of sugar and I’d always repay you with delicious treats.

three cheese herb tomato tart

One day you’d drop off a box of tomatoes from your garden and within hours I’d show up at your door with this Three Cheese & Herb Tomato Tart. You’d invite me in, offer me a slice (even though I already ate two before I arrived at your door) and we’d sit on your back porch eating together. We’d talk about what was going on in the neighborhood (why does that dog ALWAYS bark?!). I’d pull up some hilarious videos on You Tube from my phone and then you’d show me a sewing project you’re working on. Eventually we’d have some fancy boozy beverage and no doubt we’d drink too much. I love how we never have to worry about driving home!

three cheese herb tomato tart

When I ask you what you liked about this tart, you’d say “Duh! There’s puff pastry involved!” Then you’d marvel at how perfect your homegrown tomatoes taste paired with a blend of three different cheeses, garlic and herbs. I’m so glad we’re neighbors, aren’t you? Now can I please borrow your hedge trimmers? My front yard is getting unruly.

September 15, 2011

Episode #18 is Live!

Friends! This week on the Joy the Baker Podcast over at Homefries, we’re at it again!

We’re discussing how the Grass is ALWAYS Greener! On this episode you’ll find us talking about:

  • Cat LAND!! (I wish I was Joy’s cat!)
  • Big Thighs vs. Little Thighs
  • Home-owning vs. Renting
  • Married Life vs. Single Life
  • We also take food related questions from listeners
  • And I confess what I might be for Halloween…

I bet you’ll be laughing.  Come check it out!

If you want to ask us a question, email us or CALL US! 817-82-FRIES

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