July 22, 2011

Episode #10 is Live!!

Friends! This week on the Joy the Baker Podcast over at Homefries, we’re at it again!

This week we are talking about:

  • dieting and not dieting
  • tankini (it’s a bad word)
  • eating lighter…because it’s hot out
  • food sweats
  • what to buy a bro-in-law

You won’t want to miss it! Come check it out!

If you want to ask us a question, email us!

Homefries has its own Facebook page! You’ll totally LIKE it.

July 20, 2011


Giardiniera is an Italian relish you can add to salads and sandwiches! Find the recipe Shutterbean.com

What the heck is Giardiniera? It’s a spicy Italian pickled vegetable mixture that’s mostly eaten as an antipasto. Sometimes it’s included in salads and it’s occasionally shoved into a delicious Italian sub. In my case, it’s a healthy snack eaten directly out of the jar!

Ever since I had this simple salad at one of our favorite pizza places, I’ve been somewhat addicted to the taste of crunchy pickled carrots, tangy bites of cauliflower, and red peppers with spicy slices of jalapeno peppers. It’s definitely a party in your mouth! When I wasn’t able to find a reasonably priced jar of Giardiniera in my local grocery store, I figured I’d make my own. Turns out it’s a cinch to make and the second you open the lid, one whiff will you transport you to that kitschy Italian restaurant from your childhood. Pickling your own vegetables is super fun! I highly recommend it.

July 18, 2011

Creamed Summer Corn

creamed summer corn

Just when I thought fresh summer corn on the cob couldn’t get any better, I made this Creamed Summer Corn! It’s light, buttery, creamy and has something so absolutely wonderful in it LIME. Casey swore there had to be some magical spice in the creamed corn. He sat at the dinner table devouring bite after bite, trying to figure it out. There’s a bit of cayenne in the mix, but that’s it! The lime is really what turns this creamed corn into something absolutely unreal. You’ll see.

creamed summer corn

I made this recipe with 9 ears of corn for the 6 of us, and paired it with a few slabs of ribs while we were on vacation in Tahoe. Guess what? There was no creamed corn left. Good sign? Most def!

July 18, 2011

Episode #9 is Live!!!

Hey! This week on the Joy the Baker Podcast over at Homefries, we’re at it again!

This week we are talking about:

  • beef jerky
  • how potty training & road tripping don’t mix!
  • what to do in the car on a road trip- think beauty salon & car detailing!

You won’t want to miss it! Come check it out!

If you want to ask us a question, email us!

Homefries has its own Facebook page! You’ll totally LIKE it.

Tahoe Vacation 2011


We’re back from our week long trip to Tahoe and boy am I WIPED. Here’s what we saw/ate/did:

July 16, 2011

365- Week 27

A food related photo everyday until 2012. Here’s week 27:

195/365 Making an awesome salad with the giardiniera I just made.

salad making

July 13, 2011

Farm Stand Buttermilk Doughnuts

I recently made Crispy Fried Chicken as well as French Fries. If I’m doing all this frying, I might as well make some doughnuts, right?  Do you say donuts or doughnuts? I usually type donuts because it’s faster. Whatever you say, there’s no mistake that they are hands down one of my most favorite foods. I ate six donuts in less than 15 minutes when I was pregnant. True story.

buttermilk donut making

My birthday is coming up, which means I’m rushing to knock stuff off my 31 comes before 32 list. AHHH!!  I still have a cleanse to do! And a fondue party in the summer?! WHAT?!  Last weekend I knocked off #2. Make donuts from scratch! I had Cooper help me measure out the dry ingredients early in the morning and almost had a heart attack when he dropped the large bowl of flour on the kitchen floor. Yikes.


Five important lessons were learned while making these AH-mazing buttermilk doughnuts:

1. Do not make doughnuts unless you are FULLY caffeinated.

2. If you want a huge mess in your kitchen, ask your almost 3 year old to help you.

3. Hot doughnuts are outrageously good! And with a yeast free buttermilk dough, they’re a snap to make!

4. If you are making these for a family of 3, make sure you have friends/neighbors to give some to! Too many doughnuts in your kitchen spells TROUBLE.

5. It may take trying 6 doughnuts to help you figure out if you prefer the cinnamon sugar ones to the vanilla glazed. Don’t be alarmed.

Now friends, it’s Wednesday. You have a few days to reduce your caloric intake to prepare for this weekend’s Buttermilk Doughnut EXTRAVAGANZA!  DO IT.