July 29, 2011

Homemade Ricotta

homemade ricotta

Early yesterday morning (before my coffee had a chance to kick in), I made my own ricotta. After a few simple steps and a brief period of waiting, I HAD MADE MY OWN RICOTTA!!! I spent hours bouncing off the walls with excitement. No, it wasn’t the coffee! It was the ricotta!  Ina Garten is a genius; but I already knew that. I absolutely love her and this recipe has clearly changed my life. This ricotta is silky smooth and creamy, not gritty and tasteless like the ricotta you find in a grocery store. Store bought ricotta is super expensive and this batch cost me less than a small tub from the store. How awesome is that?


Later on the in the day I made Ina’s herbed ricotta bruschetta for lunch and it was absolutely divine. I’ll post the recipe soon but first you should making your own ricotta! Put it on your weekend TO-DO list and join the fun!

Thank you Ina for helping me knock of another item from my 31 comes before 32 list!

#25. Make my own cheese from scratch=DONE.

July 28, 2011

Vietnamese Noodle Salad with Grilled Tofu

vietnamese noodle salad

It’s hot outside and all I want to do is sit in front of a fan with a gigantic bowl of this Vietnamese Noodle Salad with Grilled Tofu because it’s both light AND hearty. It’s the type of salad that’s best served cold. It gives you the most pleasant after taste and doesn’t put a lead weight in your stomach like most noodle salads. I bet it’s the perfect thing to eat if you’re planning on making out with someone later. Let me know how that goes!

vietnamese noodle salad

Thinly sliced cucumbers, crunchy red peppers, tangy lime juice mixed with spicy chili sauce and the hugest dose of mint? YES, PLEASE. Did I mention the grilled marinated tofu? I don’t think I did! It’s a known fact that grill marks are sexy and just look at those grill marks!  Get a bowl, sit in front of a fan, add a jar of fancy Iced tea and chow down. Your taste buds are begging to be awakened.

July 27, 2011

Summer is…

Bruschette for dinner.


July 25, 2011

Blueberry Zucchini Bread

blueberry zucchini bread!

During the car ride home from my parent’s house yesterday, I listed all the recipes I need to post on this here website to Casey and he had no recollection of me making Blueberry Zucchini Bread! When I described it as “that tasty/moist/lemony bread studded with juicy blueberries…you know the one you ate a LOT of?” the memory of eating the bread finally came back. Apparently he was just thrown off by the word zucchini because he had no idea there was zucchini in that bread! Cooper had no clue too. I’m guilty of vegetable hiding.

snack time!

Blueberries & Zucchini! They’re both in season right now, so why not combine the two and make a scrumptious bread? This recipe makes TWO loaves. If you’re scared that you’ll eat BOTH loaves (which is easy to do and I don’t blame you), wrap one up and give it to your neighbor/friend/coworker and earn brownie points. If you’re feeling greedy, wrap up the second loaf and stash it in your freezer. Blueberry zucchini bread will be a great start to your week, next week!

July 23, 2011

Homemade Soft Pretzels


If you decide to make these AH-mazing homemade soft pretzels, make sure someone else is home to help you eat them. I had to wait FIVE excruciating hours for Casey to get home and I SWEAR I almost locked myself out of the house TWICE so I wouldn’t eat more. When Casey finally arrived, I had a pretzel filled dinner waiting for him. For an appetizer, he started off with a plain pretzel dipped in hot mustard. His entree was a cheesy jalapeno pretzel with a few dashes of Tapatio. For dessert, he devoured a crispy cinnamon sugar pretzel. That’s right. Three courses of doughy goodness for my husband. That’s how we roll.


You should make these pretzels this weekend if you can! The active time is a snap and the inactive/proofing time can be spent cleaning up your kitchen or doing crunches while watching trashy TV. The bottom line: these pretzels are LEGIT and people will be impressed! I kinda feel like opening up my own soft pretzel stand outside our house featuring Honey Rosemary Lemonade. Wouldn’t that be awesome? I’m totally dreaming.

p.s.- Cross off another item from my 31 comes before 32 list. #15. Make my own soft pretzels!

July 23, 2011

365- Week 28

A food related photo everyday until 2012. Here’s Week 28:

202/365 The bottom of a Cinnamon Sugar Pretzel (recipe soon!)

the bottom of a cinnamon sugar pretzel


July 22, 2011

Pineapple Grapefruit Juice

pineapple grapefruit juice!

Say HELLO to one of my latest/greatest juices! Super sweet pineapple juice gets cut with tangy/bitter grapefruit! You’ll take a sip and think “WHOA that’s sweet!” and then suddenly the grapefruit juice shows its face and saves the day! It’s a match made in juice heaven! It’s also GREAT with vodka…just saying….