I recently made Crispy Fried Chicken as well as French Fries. If I’m doing all this frying, I might as well make some doughnuts, right? Do you say donuts or doughnuts? I usually type donuts because it’s faster. Whatever you say, there’s no mistake that they are hands down one of my most favorite foods. I ate six donuts in less than 15 minutes when I was pregnant. True story.

My birthday is coming up, which means I’m rushing to knock stuff off my 31 comes before 32 list. AHHH!! I still have a cleanse to do! And a fondue party in the summer?! WHAT?! Last weekend I knocked off #2. Make donuts from scratch! I had Cooper help me measure out the dry ingredients early in the morning and almost had a heart attack when he dropped the large bowl of flour on the kitchen floor. Yikes.

Five important lessons were learned while making these AH-mazing buttermilk doughnuts:
1. Do not make doughnuts unless you are FULLY caffeinated.
2. If you want a huge mess in your kitchen, ask your almost 3 year old to help you.
3. Hot doughnuts are outrageously good! And with a yeast free buttermilk dough, they’re a snap to make!
4. If you are making these for a family of 3, make sure you have friends/neighbors to give some to! Too many doughnuts in your kitchen spells TROUBLE.
5. It may take trying 6 doughnuts to help you figure out if you prefer the cinnamon sugar ones to the vanilla glazed. Don’t be alarmed.
Now friends, it’s Wednesday. You have a few days to reduce your caloric intake to prepare for this weekend’s Buttermilk Doughnut EXTRAVAGANZA! DO IT.