Don’t give me that look. It’s perfectly acceptable to have chocolate for breakfast! Especially when you realize that the slice of powdered sugar dusted cake on my plate is actually a PANCAKE. It’s a chocolate pancake, PEOPLE! And it takes absolutely no time to make! I was able to execute this recipe whilst getting ready for work, feeding Cooper, quieting an incessantly mewing cat, wrangling a diaper bag, taking pictures, sneaking in a few morning kisses with my husband, and cleaning up my kitchen on a weekday. Let me say that again- A WEEKDAY!! If that doesn’t give you a hint of how easy it was, then I don’t know what will!

All you need is a small group of ingredients, a blender, a medium sized cast iron skillet & a hot oven and you’re just 20 minutes away from digging into a chocolate pancake for breakfast. Do you need syrup for this pancake? Heck NO! It’s perfectly sweet with the combo of the powdered sugar & the strawberries. Isn’t that fantastic? No syrup means you have one less thing to deal with in the morning! And yes…it does taste like a piece of really thin chocolate cake!