A food related photo every day until 2012. Here’s Week 13:
97/365 Roasted strawberries for breakfast with pineapple Greek yogurt.
(I’ll post the recipe soon! It’s from the new Super Natural Every Day Cookbook)
A food related photo every day until 2012. Here’s Week 13:
97/365 Roasted strawberries for breakfast with pineapple Greek yogurt.
(I’ll post the recipe soon! It’s from the new Super Natural Every Day Cookbook)
TWO cocktails in a ROW?! What’s going on with you, Tracy? Honestly, it’s a classic case of denial. I’m still coming back to reality and holding onto EVERY. SINGLE. MOMENT of what I experienced last week. I want to write up the last part from my retreat but I feel too raw about it. Is that weird? I think maybe that’s why I’m holding off on scanning my Polaroids. It’s kinda like how my friend has refused to watch the last episode of Freaks & Geeks because she doesn’t want it to end. That’s where I am right now. So to ignore it, I had a few cocktails with my magic making neighbor today. She always has something cool going on in her house and when I walked in today I yelled “OMG! I forgot how your house is totally a stylist’s wet dream!” Yes I said that. I say stuff like that all the time. It’s totally true, though! You should see what she has on her back porch.
I tinkered with this drink today and nailed it! I took the idea of the grapefruit soda in the Jen & Tonics from the Joy Retreat and used some leftover cucumbers from the Boozy Cucumber Coolers to make this libation. The cucumber brings out the herbal quality of the gin and the grapefruit soda adds a nice sweet & bitter tang- much like tonic water… This drink and the Boozy Cucumber Coolers are duking it out to be THE drink of SUMMER 2011 on my street. We shall see who will win the battle of deliciousness! Care to weigh in?
I wanted to tell you more about the Joy Retreat but I’m kinda BUZZED right now. One more sip of this Boozy Cucumber Cooler and I’m gonna turn into a sappy drunk on you. Must temper that! Anyways…I’ve been SOO excited for Heidi Swanson’s Super Natural Every Day Cookbook to come out; it’s been sitting in my Amazon pre-order cart for MONTHS. When I came home from my trip, GUESS WHAT WAS WAITING AT MY DOORSTEP??!! As if my creative spirit wasn’t already triggered!
I had a brief moment to look through the cookbook last night and CUCUMBER COOLERS went straight on my TO-DO list for today. It was right next to pay doctor bill over the phone & reschedule hair appointment. Of course I had to be naughty and add gin to the original recipe. It was a rough day at work…what can I say?? I also didn’t have honey so I added agave syrup. Wait. I did have honey but it was all chunky & crystallized and I didn’t feel like melting it. I dove for the agave out of ease (gin is my truth serum). I’m kind of obsessed with this drink…and the cookbook (I have soo many recipes marked to try!) This cocktail is like a spa drink gone WILD. Cucumber is balanced with a dash of salt & a spike of lime… rounded out with my good buddy, GIN. I could get in trouble with these. Serious trouble. I’d better stay away from Twitter tonight!
So after my lunch at Broder, I drove to Manzanita. The weather was kind of crappy….rain with lots of crazy big lumber trucks and me in my dinky rental car with some good music. There were a few moments where I thought I would fly right off the road but honestly, I really enjoyed the drive. It was so cool to see random waterfalls on the side of the road! There were some cute little farms too! After 2 hours, I arrived safely and dove right into the retreat. Met all of the ladies and went outside and took this photo with my phone. Hello Manzanita! How you doin’?
A food related photo every day til 2012. Here’s week 12:
89/365 BUTTER for coffee cake.
Hey! I’m at the Oregon coast right now teaching a few cooking classes at the Joy Retreat this week with Mati Rose & Hula. The next few days of my life will be geared around food, painting, polaroids, and JOY. Let me tell you that I’ve been looking forward to this for MONTHS. This mama SOOO needs her girl time! Things might be quiet ’round these parts, but brace yourselves…there will be LOTS of photos headed your way soon. I’m so excited to get my ART on with 19 other talented women. I’m also really looking forward to sharing my love of food with these ladies & teaching them a few things in the kitchen.
Wanna see what we’re working on in the kitchen this week? Come take a look!