This past weekend, one of my best friends flew down from Portland, Oregon for a visit. The second Jessica got off the plane, we figured out our food plans for the next few days. Our get-togethers always revolve around food, which is why I love her so much! We are really good eating buddies.
365- Week 3
A food related photo every day til 2012. Here’s week 3:
21/365 Makeshift Chilaquiles
Arugula Fennel & Orange Salad
Latest Food Craving: Arugula Fennel & Orange Salad.
I had my first taste of this salad last Saturday at my friend Danielle’s Champagne Tasting party. I kept a steady eye on the big glass salad bowl throughout the party. Between sips of bubbly, I monitored how much was left in the bowl. After my third helping, I dropped my napkin (on purpose) near the bowl and scooped up yet ANOTHER helping onto my plate. Did anybody notice that this was my fourth helping? It’s salad! Who cares? When I came back from the party, Casey asked me about the different champagnes I tasted and all I could tell him was how blown away I was with this salad. It distracted me; I just KNEW I had to recreate it. Like…I couldn’t sleep until I made plans to recreate it the next day.
When we had friends over for lunch on Sunday, I started with this salad as a feature and created a whole Antipasti Party around it. The surprisingly thing is that I’ve never much cared for shaved fennel, but now I adore it— especially when it’s combined with peppery arugula and juicy orange segments! The salad is light, crunchy, juicy, peppery and tangy. I love everything about it.
Orange Ricotta Pancakes
Did you know that I’ve always wanted to participate in an eating contest? I’m totally being serious here. Over the past few years I’ve been trying to figure out what would be a good item to compete with. You know what would be terrible? Pancakes. I could eat about 3 and then I’d be down for the count. Pancakes wouldn’t get me far; they always seem like a good idea until the moment they start expanding in my stomach. Lead weights, I tell ya. LEAD WEIGHTS. Although now that I’ve made these Orange Ricotta Pancakes, I’m reconsidering. Light fluffy ricotta pancakes speckled with orange zest and a little drizzle of syrup….I could seriously eat all 12 that this recipe makes. They might be on the my list next to competitive tater tot eating. I don’t know…I’m still thinking about it…
Antipasti Party
We had a little impromptu Antipasti Party this afternoon at our house. The last time our friends were over, we were eating Panettone French Toast, my friend was pregnant, and it was raining cats & dogs. Today the sun was shining and we were able to meet their brand new baby while devouring a nice little selection of Italian cheeses and cured meats!
Project Magazine Hoard = COMPLETE!
Confession: I’m a magazine hoarder.
I have stacks of magazines spread throughout our house. When I don’t make time to read AND sort my magazines, they quickly start piling up. You can imagine how many stacks I have since I have about 8 different subscriptions. My magazine hoard usually rests on my side of the bed, on the coffee table, or on my computer desk (see above). I also have a problem with not putting my cookbooks back in my bookcase! Yes–I’m bad. When I got out of bed this morning and knocked a stack of books on the floor, I knew it was time to tackle my hoard. Today was the day!
365- Weeks 1 & 2
14/365 Pretzel + Sunset
When my fellow food blog buddies Kamran & Shannalee started a Flickr group called Project 365 | Food Bloggers, I didn’t hesitate to join. I was thinking of making a resolution to be more creative with my photography this year, so this challenge is just what I need to help exercise my creative muscles! So here’s the deal– Every day for the next year, I’ll be posting a food related photo on my flickr stream. At the end of the week, I’ll share all 7 photos here. It’s been two weeks so far, so here’s what I’ve been up to!