Cooper here. Today is my 2nd birthday! My mom took a picture of me playing with my cars.

My fire engine is my new favorite toy. It goes weeee wahhhh weeee wahhhhh.
I love building ramps out of the new wooden blocks I got for my birthday!

My mom lines up all of my toys on the table when I’m not looking. She’s always fixing things I knock over throughout the house. I like to test her and put things where they don’t belong. She’s crazy.

See my toy stash? I’m gonna make a giant mess out of it in a second. Then I’ll watch Mama come in and clean it up again. She takes two big black fuzzy pillows and covers up my toys at night so she doesn’t have to look at them. I think it stresses her out that I have soo many toys. I’ve been told that I came to this world to teach her patience and acceptance. I wonder if it’s working?

I started jumping off the couch arm and onto the couch a few weeks ago. I’ll throw the pillows on the floor and sometimes when my mom isn’t looking, I’ll stuff some of my snacks in between the cushions.

I love baseball, just like my dad. I love to say “Let’s Go Baseball!” It makes my parents giggle. I just started saying Red Sox a few weeks ago. It makes my dad very proud.

My mom is trying out a new hairstyle on me. I think she’s just lazy and doesn’t want to take me to get my hair cut. Who could blame her? I was a pain in the butt last time in the barber’s chair. It took a lollipop and countless animal crackers to get me to sit still. The clippers freaked me out!
I climbed out of my crib a few weeks ago. After my mom put me down for a nap, I surprised her in the kitchen while she was cleaning dishes. I shouted “Hi Mama!” She stood there stupefied and then she started laughing. I haven’t climbed out since…but who knows. It’s bound to happen again.

I still love my blankie. I cover my head with it when I’m sleeping. It’s the best.

My vocabulary is growing more and more each day. Yesterday I asked my mom for “waffles with syrup on it, pleeeeeze” and she almost had a heart attack. Last night I said “luv you” to my mom when I was saying goodnight and she gave me a hundred kisses. She calls me her little “tuffy” because I’m a tough boy. I’m still super active and I have no fear! I can’t wait to ride a skateboard one day, like my dad.

I know the whole alphabet now and have started counting. I say “1, 2, 6!” Maybe one day I’ll count to 10.
Today I am going to be playing in the pool at my Nini & Papa Phil’s house. I started off the day with a special birthday donut!
I keep saying baseball cake, so I’m hoping my family gets the point!