October 17, 2010

Green Lemonade

green lemonade

Ahhh yes! I’m back on juicing! Life kinda got in the way!

apple, romaine lettuce, lemon

I found this *recipe* for Green Lemonade in the latest Whole Living Magazine. I had all the ingredients and gave it a try. Genius! The apples provide the sweetness you need in a lemonade. The head of romaine lettuce gives the green element & the extra juice you need to dilute the lemon & apple juice.

October 15, 2010

Quick Mexican Stir Fry!

A new post is up at  Modern Kiddo!

This week I’m showing you my quickie Mexican Stir Fry- a dish I make (almost) weekly!

Take out the cheese on top and it’s Vegan! (I’ve had a few requests for vegan recipes, so here’s one for you!)

Please come check it out!!

October 14, 2010

Salted Caramel Popcorn Pretzel Bars

salted caramel pretzel popcorn bars

So I went to the dentist last week after dodging a cleaning for 2 years (it could have been worse!) Coast is clear! No cavities! We are all good. To celebrate this accomplishment, I busted out a batch of these ooey gooey Salted Caramel Popcorn Pretzel Bars!! Because really…what dentist would approve such a treat?


I stood there in the kitchen, cutting up the bars and had to walk away for a minute to regroup. Why?  Because I was eating too many of them! There were a few that didn’t have *perfect* edges and I HAD to take care of them.  There was one with a pretzel sticking out and God forbid someone got poked with it!  There was one that didn’t have enough caramel on top and one that did. I took care of those for you because I totally have your best interest in mind.

I really had no idea how good these bars were going to be!  I probably ate a whole plate of them yesterday and have the scratched up gums to prove it. I think my dentist would probably say, “I told you so!”

Make these and share them. Like, put some on a plate and wrap them up and give them away BEFORE you take your first bite of one. They are utterly AHHH-DDICTIVE.


October 10, 2010

Halloween Decor 2010

Our living room is decorated for Halloween!

I put some black glittered pumpkins up….

the mantle

And decorated our mantle.

I got a cool black glittered skull from Target. Creepy!


Spiders littered everywhere.

A few snakes too…

I put cheesecloth over the mirror with my Halloween banner.

I like the effect!

And bits of orange make their way into other parts of the house….

Some spiders & white pumpkins.

And a new glittered skeleton for our front door!

on the front door

This is what it looked like last year!!

And here’s our house two years ago!

October 8, 2010

Apple Pear Phyllo Crisp

pear apple phyllo crisp!

Phyllo dough. Love the stuff. Anytime I see anything phyllo dough related on a passed hors d’oeuvres tray, I grab as many as possible. It’s a good idea to make friends with the server carrying the tray because you’ll be guaranteed first dibs when a fresh batch comes out of the kitchen!

Tell them a dirty joke and they’ll bring you more than just hors d’oeuvres….Trust me.

apple slice

This recipe was the first time I’ve actually USED phyllo dough. I’ve spent all of my adult life avoiding the stuff because I was always told that phyllo dough is ridiculously hard to work with (thanks, Mom!) Guess what?!! I am a phyllo dough survivor and it wasn’t so bad!! I just remembered to religiously cover the sheets after pulling a new one out. There was one moment where I ripped a sheet and then I said F-it. Like anyone is going to see a rip when they are having buttery flaky phyllo dough mouthgasm.

dig in, friends!

How would I describe this Apple Pear Phyllo Crisp?

Crispy, crunchy, flaky, nutty, fruity, buttery…. It’s like baklava with fruit on top!

I’m thinking it would be divine with a little ginger simple syrup mixed in the butter. Oh! What about some ginger spiked whipped cream? I’d love some with a hot toddy!


October 7, 2010

Spaghetti Squash with Turkey Meatballs

spaghetti squash with turkey meatballs and spinach

I have a confession to make. The only reason I tried this recipe was because I was seduced by the magical powers of sprinkled Parmesan cheese on top of meatballs. The bright yellow spaghetti squash intrigued me and I knew the mushroom/spinach profile would be good, but MEAT & CHEESE sold me. I loooove meatballs. I’m 1/2 Italian. It’s in my genetic makeup. My grandma’s meatballs are what broke my 3 years of Vegetarianism. Seriously.

like the pic

Is spaghetti squash like pasta? NO. There’s really no comparison BUT! spaghetti squash does taste fabulous in its own right. It’s soft & semi crunchy and a good vehicle for sauce—hence the pasta substitute.  The strands aren’t soo long that you hafta twirl your fork over and over again. This means you can get it into your mouth faster. Win!


So how was this dish? Pretty good! I really liked the mushroom sauce and might add more mushrooms and spinach next time. If you are vegetarian, cut out the meatballs and you’ll still have a wonderful, hearty dish!  People with children? You listening? I learned that you cannot trick a 2 year old boy into thinking that spaghetti squash is noodles. Cooper tossed them on the floor to show is disapproval.  Someone is too smart for his own good….


October 2, 2010

Hello Internet,

Cooper here. Today is my 2nd birthday! My mom took a picture of me playing with my cars.

looks just like casey

My fire engine is my new favorite toy. It goes weeee wahhhh weeee wahhhhh.

I love building ramps out of the new wooden blocks I got for my birthday!


My mom lines up all of my toys on the table when I’m not looking. She’s always fixing things I knock over throughout the house. I like to test her and put things where they don’t belong. She’s crazy.

all lined up

See my toy stash? I’m gonna make a giant mess out of it in a second. Then I’ll watch Mama come in and clean it up again. She takes two big black fuzzy pillows and covers up my toys at night so she doesn’t have to look at them. I think it stresses her out that I have soo many toys. I’ve been told that I came to this world to teach her patience and acceptance. I wonder if it’s working?

please don't take over my house!

I started jumping off the couch arm and onto the couch a few weeks ago. I’ll throw the pillows on the floor and sometimes when my mom isn’t looking, I’ll stuff some of my snacks in between the cushions.

the toy stash

I love baseball, just like my dad. I love to say “Let’s Go Baseball!” It makes my parents giggle. I just started saying Red Sox a few weeks ago. It makes my dad very proud.


My mom is trying out a new hairstyle on me. I think she’s just lazy and doesn’t want to take me to get my hair cut. Who could blame her? I was a pain in the butt last time in the barber’s chair. It took a lollipop and countless animal crackers to get me to sit still. The clippers freaked me out!this smile

I climbed out of my crib a few weeks ago.  After my mom put me down for a nap, I surprised her in the kitchen while she was cleaning dishes. I shouted “Hi Mama!” She stood there stupefied and then she started laughing. I haven’t climbed out since…but who knows. It’s bound to happen again.

get me out of here

I still love my blankie. I cover my head with it when I’m sleeping. It’s the best.

waking up to a sunny afternoon

My vocabulary is growing more and more each day. Yesterday I asked my mom for “waffles with syrup on it, pleeeeeze” and she almost had a heart attack. Last night I said “luv you” to my mom when I was saying goodnight and she gave me a hundred kisses. She calls me her little “tuffy” because I’m a tough boy. I’m still super active and I have no fear!  I can’t wait to ride a skateboard one day, like my dad.

I know the whole alphabet now and have started counting. I say “1, 2, 6!”  Maybe one day I’ll count to 10.

Today I am going to be playing in the pool at my Nini & Papa Phil’s house. I started off the day with a special birthday donut!

I keep saying baseball cake, so I’m hoping my family gets the point!

