Murphy’s Law says that when I post about a season changing, the season that I’m saying goodbye to comes back to tell me that it hasn’t yet departed. So guess who had a little heat wave this weekend??? The Bay Area! Which meant that it was in the high 80’s at my house!! Saturday night I had a mad craving for BLT sandwiches, but already devoured a tasty grilled cheese/mushroom sandwich at Bar Tartine with my new friends Jenifer & Mati at lunch. You can’t really have sandwiches twice in one day, can you? So I followed my craving and turned it into this hearty Chicken Avocado BLT Salad!
Casey and I enjoyed our meal outside while sitting on the steps of our back deck. Sometimes I forget about the Indian Summer situation we have here during “Fall.” You’d think after 30 years, I’d learn. Doh.
Food craving was fufilled. I am a happy camper. My husband gets some greens in him and we have leftovers for the next day.
High fives all around.