September 27, 2010

Chicken Avocado BLT Salads

chicken blt salad

Murphy’s Law says that when I post about a season changing, the season that I’m saying goodbye to comes back to tell me that it hasn’t yet departed.  So guess who had a little heat wave this weekend???  The Bay Area! Which meant that it was in the high 80’s at my house!!  Saturday night I had a mad craving for BLT sandwiches, but already devoured a tasty grilled cheese/mushroom sandwich at Bar Tartine with my new friends Jenifer & Mati at lunch. You can’t really have sandwiches twice in one day, can you?  So I followed my craving and turned it into this hearty Chicken Avocado BLT Salad!

salad overview

Casey and I enjoyed our meal outside while sitting on the steps of our back deck. Sometimes I forget about the Indian Summer situation we have here during “Fall.” You’d think after 30 years, I’d learn. Doh.

Food craving was fufilled. I am a happy camper. My husband gets some greens in him and we have leftovers for the next day.

High fives all around.


September 25, 2010

Couscous with Swish Chard, Raisins & Feta

couscous with swiss chard, feta & golden raisins

After posting Brown Butter Biscuits with Sausage Gravy & Baked Caramel Apple Donuts, I felt the need to balance out my indulgences with something on the healthier side. Last Sunday afternoon while Casey worked in the basement and Cooper napped, I made this yummy couscous dish. I stood at my kitchen island, chopping up a huge bunch of dark green & crimson leaves when all of a sudden, a cool draft wafted through the window. I breathed it in and realized that Autumn had arrived. With a little Ray LaMontagne playing in the background, I was in my happy place. Alone in the kitchen, a few pans sizzling behind me with a hearty fall recipe in the making…Life is good.

up close & personal!

Have I told you how much I love chard?  I’d never thought I’d say that because I absolutely hated it as a child. Chard is a good balance of bitter & sweet and it makes me feel like I’m being super healthy when I’m shoving fistfuls of it in my mouth. Red Swiss chard is an excellent pairing with the sweetness of the plump golden raisins, the hearty nuttiness of the chickpeas and the salty feta crumbles in this dish.  There’s soo many fun textures to venture through! The only thing I can’t figure out is whether I like this dish hot or cold because it’s fabulous both ways.  It’s definitely going in my fall rotation and next time I might add a poached egg on top…or perhaps some toasted walnuts to the mix? CONTINUE READING

September 22, 2010

What to bring a new mom?!

Hello Friends!

Last month, the lovely Miss James of Bleubird Vintage brought another beautiful child into the world–little Gemma Bird!  I had the opportunity to do a guest post on her fabulous Bleubird Vintage Blog while she was away on maternity leave! You’ll find a few of ideas/recipes/baked treats to bring a new mom & family.  Show you care with some yummy treats!

I’d be delighted if you took a look!

Congratulations James & family!!



p.s- those little footsies belong to Mr. Cooper.  He’s gonna be TWO in less than two weeks! EEP!

September 20, 2010

Baked Caramel Apple Donuts

caramel apple donuts

When you find yourself shopping online at 2AM, mini donut pans sound like a brilliant idea. That’s not something your sharp witted, practical 12PM mind allows you to consider–especially when your husband begged you not to add anymore items to the kitchen. When you wake up the next morning with a confirmation that your donut pans have shipped, you might find yourself wondering what else you’ve ordered online…Japanese steak knives? (a wise purchase!) A leash for your invisible dog? (I’ve always wanted one!)

On the day these donut pans arrived, I immediately made a batch following the recipe included with the pans. BLECK! They tasted awful. Guess who had shopper’s remorse?! After doing some serious searching, this simple recipe obliterated all the guilt associated with my donut pan purchase–Hello!! Baked Caramel Apple Donuts!!

While diving into my first few donuts, I thought they were awesome but the caramel topping was a bit on the thick/chewy side…An overnight stay on my kitchen counter produced the most amazingly moist caramel saturated donut. That’s right! The caramel seeped INTO the donut.  I was also delighted to find that the appley goodness really came out during day two! A cakey donut that gets better on day two?!! Who would have thought? So yes. You should try these and I hope you have enough donuts on day two, so you can see what I mean 😉

p.s.- what if we put some fancy salt on top? OVERLOAD.


September 18, 2010

Spiced Cocktail Nuts


I really wish I could tell you that I don’t have a potty mouth and a penchant for bathroom humor. Truth is…I do!!  Even as a parent, I still can’t help myself. The fact that my son says “cock” instead of “clock” makes me giggle something fierce.

Mama? I see a big COCK! See it!? Big COCK!” I just turn my head and bury my face in my hands to muffle the giggles. Inside my head, there’s a 13 year old boy who loves to be indulged with dick & fart jokes. There I said it. I am not ashamed!! I suppose that’s what happens when you grow up with two older brothers…

After making a huge batch of these SPICED COCKTAIL NUTS, Casey and I stood in the kitchen tossing NUT innuendos back and forth. We simply cannot pass up a good NUT joke. Honestly, who can?

“Here! Taste my nuts!!”

“How many nuts can you fit in your mouth?”

So while I was gobbling these nuts, I thought “DANG! These NUTS are spicy! I’m not sure if I like how spicy these NUTS are. But for some reason I can’t stop eating deez NUTS!” And perhaps if you give these NUTS a try, you might find yourself scarfing down NUTS like there’s no tomorrow. They are pretty addictive and you’ll probably grab handfuls of NUTS before you decide it’s time to stop!! They will be great for holiday parties coming up! A crass NUT joke is the perfect way to break the ice with some random person at your friend’s party! If it doesn’t go well, you’ll know they’ve got an anemic sense of humor. Move onto the next victim!

Hey! Check out my NUT sack!

oh yes i did

(That was a photo request from Casey)

Go ahead, laugh!

So yeah if you like spicy things AND NUTS, make yourself a batch!

September 16, 2010

Homemade Applesauce

Your kitchen called to tell me it wants to smell like warm cinnamon applesauce!

I suggest you fulfill the request. Who wants a pissed off kitchen?!?!

Check out my post over @ Modern Kiddo!

Be sure to stop by and say hi! Your kitchen will be happy that it smells soo good!



September 15, 2010

Craft Project: Silhouette Portrait!

I’ve been wanting to do a silhouette portrait of Cooper since the day he was born!

new addition

In the midst of our super busy Labor Day weekend, I finally busted one out!

I used this contrasty photograph of him in front of our sunny guest room curtains.

I played around in Photoshop- cropping out his silhouette from the background…

working on it...

I printed out a copy  and traced it onto a thick piece of black card stock-then I cut that out.


I lined our fancy IKEA frame with yellow striped fabric and taped his portrait on top.

soo reflective

And here it is! (so far)

hello cooper!

I’m going to enlist the help of my neighbor to write COOPER in her perfect/scripty handwriting.

I’ll place that underneath his portrait.

It feels really good to have that done. I keep staring at it because it totally looks like him–especially in the nose & lip area!

I’m really enjoying all the yellow accents in my living room. Can’t wait to decorate my mantle for Halloween!!!