August 22, 2010

Mushroom Spinach & Asparagus Pasta

spinach mushroom asparagus pasta

Are you a creamed spinach fan? Do you also love mushrooms & pasta? Ever wish you could combine all three? Then you’ll probably love this! The end result is a very creamy pasta that won’t have you slaving for hours in the kitchen. It comes together super quick, and now that I’ve been through it once, I probably don’t need to follow the recipe again! I found some asparagus chilling in my fridge, so I tossed it into the sauce. It added a really yummy crunchy bite to the pasta- and a little more depth.

My only advice is- eat the pasta fast (the sauce starts to thicken up when the heat escapes) and make sure you have someone else to eat it with! No one can be trusted with a pot of this at hand. Maybe you can answer this question for me…All those veggies negate the calories & fat in the creamy sauce, RIGHT?! I thought so!

August 20, 2010

Thank you for the Birthday wishes!!!!

You are all soo sweet and awesome. You helped make my birthday SOOO special. You have no idea!

Thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!!

Over a week ago, I vowed to eat healthy so I could totally go nuts on my birthday.  If you are gonna go big, you might as well do it on your birthday, right?!  I totally GORGED myself and rembered what it’s like to have my stomach reach it’s maximum capacity! Not pleasant…but totally worth it—especially the dessert part!  Be patient, we will get to that in a second!

I started the day off by SMOTHERING coconut oil on my toast for breakfast (sorry not pictured). I’m like totally IN LOVE with coconut oil lately! It deserves its own post for sure! Look out for that soon!

My dad took me out to a really yummy Seafood lunch@ Swan Oyster Depot in SF for lunch!

We always get there pretty early to get a seat. I love going there with him. It’s really old-timey & fun.

I thought it was funny to see a Keep Calm and Carry On poster on their walls!

I ordered an Anchor Steam & we got a dozen cherrystone clams on the half shell to start with.


August 18, 2010

31 comes before 32

I am 31 today!!!

Hello! It’s my 31st birthday today! A week ago, my horoscope said to treat this month like it was a new year and make some resolutions for myself.  I’ve decided to make my own 31 before 32 list. 31 things I want to do before I turn 32- all related to food & my website. So here it goes!

31 comes before 32

  1. Share an an actual picture of myself on my website.
  2. Make donuts from scratch.
  3. Go to the French Laundry (again!)
  4. Take a class to improve my knife skills.
  5. Have a nacho party!
  6. Make my own pizza (and not fail!)
  7. Go to a farm.
  8. Make cream puffs for my mom. (She LOVES profiteroles!)
  9. Make cinnamon rolls from scratch.
  10. Clean out/organize my kitchen (FOR REAL!)
  11. Go on a dishcrawl!
  12. Try a dish with capers and like it!
  13. Get my drink on with Joy.
  14. Do a cleanse.
  15. Make my own soft pretzels.
  16. Learn how to do canning!
  17. Make french fries from scratch.
  18. Hang some of my food photos in my kitchen.
  19. Cook something with my husband.
  20. Host a fondue party!
  21. Have a cookbook party where we all cook from one cookbook!
  22. Make some killer hot wings for my husband.
  23. Make crème brûlée!
  24. Go on a food adventure in Portland, Oregon.
  25. Make my own cheese from scratch.
  26. Learn a recipe from my grandma.
  27. Make pasta from scratch. (maybe with my grandma?)
  28. Learn how to do latte art!
  29. Grow some lettuce.
  30. Try to sell some photos online. (etsy maybe?)
  31. Meet as many of my online friends as possible!
August 16, 2010

Egg & Asparagus Gratins

egg & asparagus gratins

I have a confession to make. This dish STRESSED me out. It’s really not a complicated recipe, but the thought of overcooked eggs paved the way for me to be on edge with this recipe. Mix that with a incessantly meowing cat, a crazy bed headed mom with no coffee (ahem, me) and a toddler running around the house—OMG WHOA! I’m surprised I managed to pull this off. Dipping that piece of toast into that brilliant yellow runny egg was the money shot I was looking for. Thank god it happened. It was worth the stress. We dodged a bullet, people!

Let’s have a look at that yolk!


Now that that’s out of the way…this is a really good dish! I’d totally make it for company! It reminds me of the Herbed Baked Eggs I made awhile ago, but without all the herbies. The bright green asparagus were happy to take their place. If you are pressed for time, cook the asparagus in advance to make things easier.  The Parmesan really makes this dish, so you should add more than it calls for. I won’t tell anyone. I bet fresh breadcrumbs mixed on top would be FANTASTIC too. Look at the runny egg yolk being soaked up by my buttery toast. Do I really need to say more?


August 15, 2010

So organized! Recipe Folder!

my new recipe folder

On the internet I have a great way to save tantalizing recipes.

A pinterest board dedicated to nothing but FOOD.

(It’s a place where I save some of my current food obsessions!)

In real life, I have piles of ripped out magazine pages all around our house. Sometimes it takes me forever to find the ONE recipe I’ve been wanting to make. Chances are it could be on my bedside table or on the coffee table shoved underneath a bill. Sometimes I find them crumpled up in the couch! Thanks Cooper!

Bottom line= I am a stack maker; there’s many of them throughout my house.

Here’s what a general pile of mine looks like:

a sloppy mess

I’ve tackled some of my piles & I’m excited to show you the little project I knocked out this week-



August 12, 2010

Lemongrass Ginger Iced Tea

We had a signature cocktail at our wedding. It was a Lemongrass Gingertini. It was FANCY! I’ve always wanted to make it at home and was delighted that the base of this drink comes pretty close! If I grated fresh ginger, added vodka & rimmed a martini glass with chunky sugar, then we would have it!

So yeah this recipe is a really good base. I say base because it’s SOO sweet & fragrant. It’s definitely concentrated! I diluted my drink with sparkling water because I wanted bubbles and I don’t really like drinking sugary drinks. If you want to drink it on its own, I suggest reducing the amount of sugar! The lemongrass gives a nice punchy pow & the ginger adds a warm spice. It’s super tasty.

Feel free to add some spirits up in. Gin or vodka would totally be buds with this tea. Casey threw in some gin last night and LOVED it. It might be fun to make some ice cubes out of this tea and pop them into your water throughout the day.  Wow, clever me. I’m gonna go do that now….

*MY* new lunch sack

I’ve been on the lookout for a new lunch sack for COOPER  because the one I’ve been using for his food broke. Stupid zippers. It was really cute too! It had navy & magenta apples. It was pretty girly, but I bought it because I liked it.  He wasn’t at the age where he had an an opinion(he has one now!), so I took the liberty. It’s my money, isn’t it?!

I took a journey to San Francisco with my bff this past weekend, and spied this lunch sack within the first 15 seconds of walking into a cute little boutiquey shop. MINE!! IT MUST BE MINE!! And that’s when the love affair started.

Here’s a side shot. Yes I have dual monitors at work with my kid’s mug on them! <3

I like it because:

  • It’s bold.
  • We can learn the alphabet!
  • It’s well insulated! Nothing is gonna spill into my big ass purse.
  • It stands out in my office fridge (don’t take my shit!)
  • There’s a convenient handle on top.
  • The velcro is SUPER strong.
  • I love the font & get nostalgic for that old timey *paper*
  • It’s got a place where I can put Cooper’s My name.

I found it for you on Amazon! There’s some other cute stuff in the alphabet design too! I’ve got my eye on that spoon & fork! Look at the Floor Splat Mat!! The company is named Sugar Booger! Isn’t that silly?

And while we’re at it…let’s see what I’m having for lunch today:

Vegetable Minestrone & a sweet potato with some butter! YUM

Sorry, Coops!! Momma is holding your lunch sack hostage. I’ll buy you a special one when you are actually in school! Promise!