I love waffles. There’s just something so satisfying about pouring batter into a waffle iron and watching a waffle magically appear. They are so much easier than pancakes, in my opinion. I get too impatient with pancakes. I either flip them prematurely or not soon enough. A waffle iron keeps me stress free and that something I appreciate when I’m not fully caffeinated in the morning. This recipe for Buckwheat Belgium waffles comes from a street vendor called Moxie Rx in Portland, Oregon. They were featured in the March ’09 issue of Sunset magazine, who thankfully shared the recipe with us. The waffles are incredibly light and perfectly crisp! I could easily eat 3 in one sitting because they are so airy and delicate! The buckwheat isn’t a very dominant flavor, so if that scares you, don’t fret! It just adds a hint of nuttiness to the waffle and doesn’t make it seem like a health food.
You need to make the batter 24 hours before you make the waffles, so plan on that! If you want a sweet waffle, you’re supposed to put the batter in the fridge overnight (which is what I did). If you want a more sourdoughy waffle, you let the batter sit on your kitchen counter overnight. I topped our waffles with cinnamon sugar, bananas, Greek yogurt & a really fast blueberry sauce. If that sounds like too much for you, they are just as great on their own with some butter & the cinnamon sugar. Trust me.