February 19, 2010

Kiwi Mango Orange Basil Pear Juice

Could we possibly add more fruit to this concoction? My juicer sighs “Please no!”

kiwi orange pear mango basil juice

I have to tell you that the kiwi and the mango are the real stars of this juice.  They are thick, pulpy fruits that create quite a *sludge* in the juicer. What comes from them is not just juice; it’s more like a jammy nectar!  When you add them to the pear and mandarin oranges you get a really thick juice.  A juice that will make you feel like you are in Hawaii.  A juice that is BEGGING for a decorative paper umbrella to accompany it! CONTINUE READING

February 16, 2010

Pulled Pork Sandwiches

Vegans & vegetarians please divert your eyes. In fact, you might as well skip this post since it’s all about meat. There’s a lovely shot of coleslaw though!  And that recipe is pretty awesome!

I don’t really eat much meat anymore. It adds a huge weight to our grocery bill so I’ve been supplementing with beans and the like. Every now and then I get a craving for meat so I give in; this always makes the boys I feed SUPER happy.


February 15, 2010

Valentine’s Day 2010

Hi you!

Hope you had a very nice Valentine’s day!

Ours was a day of overindulging!

Casey gave me my own copy of A Homemade Life: Stories and Recipes from my Kitchen Table and panda card!

The card gave me permission to overindulge yesterday so I did!

happy valentine's day to ME!

It’s a good thing I have my own copy now because I spilled a little butter on the library copy! Woops! CONTINUE READING

February 13, 2010

Custard Filled Corn Bread

doused with maple syrup

I just finished reading A Homemade Life: Stories and Recipes from my Kitchen Table, by Molly Wizenburg.  Wow…just wow!  What a lovely food memoir. I devoured it whole and it’s haunted me in such a good way.  Every recipe has a story behind it.  A tradition. It makes me think of all of the recipes that I hold so dear.  The ones that came from the women of my family…and the ones that I hope to impart on my children some day.  Food has the power to bring people closer together and because I am half Italian I live by that.

maple syrup from my father in law

I had a good laugh at the tale of her husband and his maple syrup loving habits.  Mine looooves anything maple syrup related.  You would be surprised at how fast he can polish off a box of maple candies.  It’s the New England gene in him.  He was born to love it.  He doesn’t go as far as Buddy the Elf…but if I was gone for the weekend, I am pretty sure he’d be putting syrup on everything. CONTINUE READING

February 10, 2010

Nutty Cranberry Granola


Every time I make granola I think “Why did I ever buy this at the store?”   It’s insanely simple to make at home and it is amazingly rewarding. I have to mention the smell that fills your house. Oh wow!! Casey asked me if I was making cinnamon rolls (which I wasn’t…but I will soon!).  It’s ridiculously addictive to eat and totally therapeutic to make. I find so much comfort in the process of making granola.  It’s something I enjoy doing at night when the house is nice and quiet. CONTINUE READING

February 7, 2010

Basil Apple Cucumber Juice

My brother and I made this juice last week.

basil apple cucumber juice with lime

It’s a great juice if you are on a cleanse!  Your taste buds will be awakened and your tummy will be satisfied.  The basil in the juice adds a nice depth to the sweetness of the apple and cucumber.  It makes it more of a grown-up drink in my opinion. CONTINUE READING

February 4, 2010

Spinach Feta Pocket Pies

just one bite

Awhile back I made these Chicken Pocket Pies and they were fabulous. The dough worked out perfectly, angels sang, and we left nothing but pie dust in the kitchen. Remember?

I’ve been “trying” to bring spinach back into Cooper’s diet so I thought these Spinach Feta Pocket Pies might do the trick! Plus this momma loves spanakopita, and these are pretty similar (except they’re made with cream cheese pastry instead of phillo dough).

I whipped up the pastry dough the night before using light cream cheese instead of full fat. I am soo happy to report that it tastes just fine! A bullet has been dodged, people. We can have a tasty lower fat pie crust and eat it too!

The spinach pockets were super. I was delighted every time I got a chunk of feta in a bite. Next time I am going to add a little more cheese to the filling. Oh man do I love feta! The pies totally satisfied my spanakopita cravings!