I have a bunch of fuyu persimmons- what should I do with them?
food buzzin’
This past weekend I went to the First Annual Food Buzz Festival. It was teeming with food bloggers from all around the country!
Soo much food! SOOOO much food. Soo much FREE alcohol! FREE!
I don’t think that I could even recap- I wouldn’t know where to start!
I forgot my camera, so I used my cellphone this weekend. That’s OK.
I knew at least someone would be taking pics! Here’s a little visual for ya:
Welcome to Limboland, Population: ME
Oh hello there! Nice of you to stop by. I thoughtI would take a moment and share with my current state with you.
Homemade Applesauce
The internet has been filled with people’s weekend excursions to apple farms! I’ve looked at countless pictures of people picking apples, getting apple pies, and cider doughnuts…. It has made me SOO jealous. I WANT TO PICK APPLES! I want fresh doughnuts and apple cider!
So I had a little conversation with my neighbor today. (The neighbor that gives us peas, butternut squash, tomatoes, APPLES, etc.) Somehow I charmed her into giving me a whole flat of apples out of a conversation about her deck remodel! I promised her that I would applesauce RIGHT AWAY.
I wasn’t kidding. I immediately got into the kitchen and plugged away.
And this is what I came up with! I must admit, I’ve never followed an actual applesauce recipe. I just remember what my mom taught me as a kid when we picked apples from my Grandma’s house. Oh man, I remember that smell! We were always soo delighted to eat warm applesauce as kids.
When making applesauce, I live by the *taste as you go code.* It turned out perfectly! Because I can’t sit here and write it out, I figure that I’ll just show you.
Let’s get started!
I started out with a huge bowl of apples. I think there were at least 12 in there.
Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies
Look what’s currently sitting on my kitchen counter!
And there’s a whole other group of them on the cooling rack…just chillin’
Pumpkin Parfaits
Look at this picture from Gourmet magazine’s website and tell me you do not want this???!?!!!?
Did you click on it?