July 2, 2008

thank you!

Just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU you for all your comments! They totally made my day!
This 4th of July I’m making Magnolia Banana Pudding & some cupcakes for a BBQ we are attending. They were a hit last year, and I have been asked to do it again!
(look out for pics!)

I’m curious…What are you having/making?

July 1, 2008

The cat is outta the bag!

whitney effing rocks doesn't she?

Today’s Horoscope:

Saying goodbye to Mars as it leaves your sign today is a mixed blessing. Your life has been full of activity and you may be sorry to see it return to normal. On the other hand, it’s time to slow down and replenish your energetic reserves. You can only continue to give of yourself for so long without becoming exhausted. Use this time wisely so you will be ready for whatever comes next.

Ain’t that the truth, folks! So, I finally have a working kitchen (sans cabinet fronts). Everything is back in it’s place. I don’t have to trip over stuff in the dining room to find a spoon or a whisk! It took me a little over 2 days to clean & put everything back in it’s place. It felt like we had moved……It’s a feeling I don’t want to experience for a LOOOOOOONG time. Although I am always delighted when I unpack my kitchen stuff. I feel like every box is a surprise…or a gift! Like the UPS driver delivered everything I could have possibly wanted right at my door!

It’s a good thing that this remodel has come to a nice stopping point. Currently, I’m late in my 2nd trimester & my belly is slowing everything down! Yes! I said it! Casey and I are having a little bebe boy! We wanted to add another Red Sox fan to the posse. And it’s finally come to fruition!

Soon after I post the final result of the kitchen…I’ll start bringing on the baby stuff! I sooo want to get in the soon-to-be-nursery and start nesting! I should also get as much cooking & baking in this blog while I have the time! I’ve heard from everyone to enjoy the time I have to make such fancy meals because soon I’ll be calling the hubby up BEGGING him to bring home takeout.

So here I am…trying to slow down. And now that my world is turning back to normal, I hope to get my camera out and start playing.

Happy Tuesday Everyone!



p.s.- isn’t that little beanie the CUTEST? Whitney made that for me 😉

June 25, 2008

the dishes are done, man!

ok so i can now wash dishes…in a REAL sink. Not my bathroom sink.

strawberries in new sink. booya!

I almost cried the other morning when I spilled coffee grounds all over my white bathmat. Sigh…

And here’s a snippet of the white counter top on the island.

chocolate pudding with whipped cream & strawberries

I think I might go back for seconds after I post this…


Oh yes…the end is near. I can just TASTE it.

June 23, 2008

let there be floor!

and there is!

kitchen floor

The sink, fridge & dishwasher will be plugged back in this Wednesday. Wallpaper…eventually…Cabinets…still in painting mode.

I cannot express my anticipation ENOUGH. I dream of putting all of my stuff back in the cabinets…and cracking the whip on the list of things I want to make this summer. Look out Black & White kitchen—HERE I COME!

June 20, 2008

I just couldn’t resist

So the kitchen isn’t complete…but I am SOOO thrilled that I was able to make breakfast on something other than plywood this morning.

And by Sunday…I won’t have to make coffee in the bathroom!!!! It’s the little things!

finally---i have counters!

June 18, 2008

At this moment–I love:

I just read Whitney’s list of What She is Loving at this Moment….

and got inspired to share with you some of mine!

Besides my cats & my hubbyI looooove:

The First Communion- mixed media piece by Erin E. Wilson

Coffee Cuffs from Craftybitch.com -I keep one in my bag so I’m never without them!

Bigelow Mentha Lip Shine -I carry one in every purse & there’s one in my car too! It’s refreshing!

Sukie Sticky Notes– because Post-Its should BE this CUTE!!

Neutrogena Norweigan Fast Absorbing Hand Cream– cuz I HATE it when hand creams leave your hands sticky. I like to apply it when I’m at a really long stop light in the car. It’s the only time I remember to do so!

Method Aroma Pill- in Vanilla Apple Even though my house is a mess with the kitchen remodel, at least it’s smelling fresh!

The FURminator– If I didn’t have this, my house would be filled with too many cat tumbleweeds to count! It’s WORTH every penny. I swear.

This American Life Podcast– It helps me get through my long commute everyday! Their program on Showtime is really good too!

This Blog CRACKS ME UP like you wouldn’t believe.

-I’m also enjoying the combo of Cranberry Juice, Lime & Sparkling water. MMMMMMM. It makes me think I’m having a cocktail when I’m at work!

That’s it for now!

Now share some of your current favorites! It’s fun!

June 16, 2008

Fresh Cherry Tart

Hope everyone had a fun Father’s Day!

At this point in our kitchen remodel I have no counter tops or sink! I was going to have Father’s Day at my house this year, but quickly realized…WHAT WAS I THINKING? There’s no way I could possibly pull together a dinner without a sink!

In preparation for dinner at my parents, I spent the morning pitting some cherries on my back porch. I got a huge dose Vitamin D in the process….and have to admit it was kinda fun spraying my cutting board off with my garden hose. The power! If only I could put a drain hole in my kitchen floor! Imagine….

from the neighbor

pitting cherries in the back yard

hi cherry

And then I hijacked my mom’s kitchen and started making the cherry tart for dessert:


and tada!

ahhhh schucks

cherry tart

the last bite

OK! First off…it was good! Soooo good. I had two pieces (well, one normal…and a sliver…and my dad did too!) It was a hit! Think: LIGHT + FLUFFY + CHEESECAKE

Fresh Cherry Tart

(Everyday Food Magazine)

– 9 graham crackers (each 2 1/2 by 5 inches)
– 2 tablespoons plus cup sugar
– 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
– 6 ounces bar cream cheese, room temperature
– 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
– 3/4 cup heavy cream
– 1 pound fresh sweet cherries pitted and halved
– 1 tablespoon seedless raspberry jam

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a food processor, pulse graham crackers and 2 tablespoons sugar until finely ground. Add butter, and process until combined. Transfer mixture to a 9-inch tart pan with a removable bottom. Using the base of a dry measuring cup, firmly press mixture into bottom and up sides of pan. Bake until browned, 10 to 12 minutes. Let cool completely on a wire rack.

2. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, using an electric mixer on medium speed, beat cream cheese, vanilla, and remaining 1/4 cup sugar until light and fluffy. Gradually add cream, and beat until soft peaks form; spread mixture in cooled crust. Scatter cherries on top.

3. In a small saucepan, combine jam and 1 teaspoon water; heat over low until liquefied, about 2 minutes. Using a pastry brush, dab cherries with glaze. Refrigerate tart at least 30 minutes or, covered, up to 1 day.

And because I’m feeling generous…I’ll show you the rest of the meal I made:

Here’s the spread:

father's day spread

My plate- cowboy rubbed steak, cauliflower puree, roasted peppers & mushroom couscous :

father's day dinner i made

I grilled some mushrooms for my vegan bro:

the vegan component

And here’s the vegan dessert- Dark Chocolate Fondue:

vegan fondue!

And here’s my dad DIGGING into to it:

dad reaches for fruit!  how typical

Happy Father’s Day! I love you Dad!