Favorite Trader Joe’s Item #25: Puff Pastry

I spent the first half hour after I woke up staring at this post from Ugly Green Chair. If only I could have reached right into my computer and taken a bite! While the husband was sleeping, I decided to wake him up with the perfumey smells of apple turnovers being baked in our kitchen. Thanks for the inspiration Whitney!
I chopped up three apples into little bits:

I sauteed them in a tablespoon of butter, a few dashes of cinnamon, a bit fresh squeezed orange juice and a little bit of sugar:

I took the puff pastry sheets out of the freezer, and let them sit on the counter for about 10 minutes so I could pull apart 1 sheet to make 4 turnovers. After the chill was gone, I cut one sheet into 4 little squares and spread some egg wash (just 1 egg beaten) on top of each little square.

I put a little dollop of the apples in the center:

I folded over the sides and scrunched it over with my fingers.
I added some more egg wash on top & cut a little hole at the top so it wouldn’t explode in the oven.

I put them in the oven on a cookie sheet line with parchment and baked them for 15 minutes at 400 degrees.
Here they are after those 15 minutes. I was so anxious to try one- it felt like half a lifetime.

There’s nothing better than the promise of some delicious pastry. Don’t you agree?

Look at that filling seep out!

Notice the buttery layers? I added a little sprinkling of sugar on top:

And here we have my breakfast this morning:

I’m so glad that Trader Joe’s sells Puff Pastry! It was so easy to make a wonderful breakfast this morning out of things that I already had in the kitchen!