October 14, 2022


STAY OFF YOUR PHONE- I love lists Shutterbean


  1. Let’s daydream about living in these places. 
  2. How plants move in a 24-hour period.
  3. How to have a better relationship with your teenager.
  4. Time travel to New York in the 1900s.
  5. Kodak is hiring film technicians to keep up with its demand.
  6. How to predict what the future will look like from a futurist.
  7. The glow of Kyoto.
  8. This soup looks delicious.
  9. These holiday table-setting tips remind me of my Mom.
  10. Decorate your house for Halloween with spiders! 
  11. Images of things that are oddly satisfying.
  12. States ranked for the worst winters.
  13. Pumpkin painting ideas if you don’t like carving.
  14. A collection of cute enamel pins I’ve saved on Etsy.
  15. The science of wanting- how we unhook from dopamine. 
  16. This house made of corrugated metal is stunning. 
  17. Costumes for cats: lion / bat / spider / police
  18. Did you check out my morning routine?
  19. Living in a pen drawing.
  20. What would people of the past think of this modern-day witchcraft?


Flowers Photographic Coloring - Tracy Benjamin

My coloring book is now in my Etsy shop.  HOORAY!

I’ve enjoyed working through the pages of my first draft so much!  It’s been such a nice way to unwind after a long day. Now that they’re here, I am looking forward to seeing how you use yours!

October 12, 2022

Creating a Morning Routine

Creating a Morning Routine- it's important! Tracy from Shutterbean shares her morning routine.

Today I want to talk about Creating a Morning Routine. Do you have one? Is it working for you?  I’ve been working on my morning routine for quite some time and I realize it takes a LOT OF PRACTICE. One of my goals has been to stay off my phone for at least a half hour after waking up. No scrolling on my phone in bed before I have even stood up for the day. That’s my rule!

I know that if I am scrolling first thing in the morning before checking in with myself, it is easy for me to get sucked in and not be present at the start of the day.  Checking in to see what other people are doing (on social media) before I check in with myself is also harmful to my mental health.  It can inadvertently stress me out and it’s not healthy for me or my child to be in that frantic/stressed-out mood first thing. I am glad I realized this and I am working towards improving our morning routine. 

This is how I stay off my phone in the morning. 


I take a piece of paper and a rubberband and cover my screen when I go to bed. I suppose I could also make this my lock screen too! 


October 10, 2022

Intentions for the Week

Intentions for the Week Workbook by Tracy Benjamin now on sale!

Intentions for the Week- Week 41 in 2022

Hello, MONDAY! 

Hello hello. We are in the 41st week of the year.  My weekend was filled with shopping for, styling, cooking & photographing new content for One Potato (they’re a meal delivery service! I have done all of their recipe cards). I am grateful for the work and I have some good meal prep in my fridge as a result. I just need to spend a few hours deep-cleaning my kitchen… 

I’ve also been working on morning pages (writing in my journal for at least 15 minutes) with a cup of coffee instead of picking up my phone and getting sucked in. I think I need to reread the book- How to Breakup with Your Phone.

I hope to have my coloring book up in my shop sometime this week and if you’re on my newsletter, you’ll be alerted first! xo 

Anywho…here are my Intentions for the week! CONTINUE READING

October 9, 2022

My Everyday Life Week 40

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 40

My boy turned 14!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Everyday Life Week 40 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

We toured my old high school this week for him.  Time is flying. Albert spotting! 

My Everyday Life Week 40 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Getting ahead of time. 

My Everyday Life Week 40 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I wonder if anyone is using their manifestation card in their magic kit! 

My Everyday Life Week 40 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I’ve been using mine.  My coloring book arrived!!  I’ll have it in the shop sometime this week. 

My Everyday Life Week 40 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

One photo per page so no one ever has to worry about ruing an image on the other side. 

My Everyday Life Week 40 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


October 7, 2022


I love lists - Have Faith in Your Ability


  1. People of Walmart.   The best people-watching. 
  2. In-and-Out packaging as easter eggs. 
  3. Are you keeping up with your dryer maintenance? 
  4. Look, someone did a canned tuna taste test. 
  5. Frozen waffles,  ranked. 
  6. Burning Man, now with more detail. 
  7. Look at this doodle house. 
  8. Time travel with Victorian kids and their animals. 
  9. The creepiest place to visit in each state. 
  10. A reminder of how much world there is out there. 
  11. I want to go away. 
  12. This watercolor kit is cute. 
  13. Buy it for life examples. 
  14. I really like deconstructed kitchens. 
  15. A message for now from 1996. 
  16. Look what happens when a pregnant mom eats kale.
  17. The ocean is a whole other world. 
  18. Another episode of funny designs. 
  19. Halloween costumes for teachers. 
  20. Putting turmeric lattes back into the mix. 

My Everyday Life Week 39 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


My flower coloring book coming SOON to the shop! I just need to get my shipping stuff together and we’re good to go. 

 If you subscribe, you have first access to sales, fun printables, news of workshops and events!

October 5, 2022

Currently September 2022

Currently September 2022- from the Currently Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Currently September 2022

September! Whew. September started off strong with SCHOOL! Eighth grade!! We were one full week of school in and then…..my family managed to get COVID.  We lost a week of living in the outside world. I stayed in the bedroom, and office and went into the kitchen when I needed to.  Casey slept for like three days straight. It hit him hard for a bit.  Cooper had a pretty mild case. The first two days he was sore and had a scratchy throat.  I am glad I managed to not get it while I helped take care of them.  We were just getting into the rhythm of working from home while he was at school and boop! Life happened.  I did so much overthinking during that week, my brain is still exhausted.

September was filled with some fun things-a few Virgo birthday parties, and visits with friends. I pushed through my creative block and made some new things that I’ll be sharing soon.

Here are my September pages in my Currently Workbook! 

Currently September 2022- from the Currently Workbook by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


October 3, 2022

Intentions for the Week

Intentions for the Week Workbook by Tracy Benjamin now on sale!

Intentions for the Week- Week 40 in 2022

Hello, MONDAY! 

Hello hello. We are in the 40th week of the year (AHH!!).  My weekend was filled with housework and celebrating a 14-year-old!  I also ordered coloring books, Currently workbooks, for 2023, food journals, and more Intentions for the Week planners for the holiday season! Wahoo! 

Anywho…here are my Intentions for the week! CONTINUE READING