October 2, 2022

My Everyday Life Week 39

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 39

I’ve been coloring sample pages from my coloring book. I ordered them and they should be here soon!

My Everyday Life Week 39 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I’ve been putting my Prismacolor pencils to good use! 

My Everyday Life Week 39 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Going through my Daiso purchases from Japantown. 

My Everyday Life Week 39 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I forgot I took a pic of koi. 

My Everyday Life Week 39 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


September 30, 2022


Enjoy the Process- I love lists artwork by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean


  1. People wanted square eggs in the 1970s.
  2. Pumpkin things: french toast/ overnight oats /pumpkin butter
  3. Museum visits are mood-boosting, for sure. 
  4. Glad to know I’m drinking the right amount of coffee daily.
  5. I have so many thoughts on Instagram food photos these days.
  6. The weirdest roadside attractions in every state. 
  7. Oven fries showdown! 
  8. Why cats sleep on their humans.
  9. This art installation must be so pretty in person.
  10. Cute fall outfit: corduroy dress + clogs + denim jacket
  11. Some ideas on how to declutter your bathroom.
  12. Pumpkin-spiced things at Trader Joe’s.
  13. Yup that exists.
  14. This art studio looks like a fun place to create in! 
  15. This single-serving chocolate chip cookie caught my eye.
  16. A collection of interesting nature pics.
  17. These new Pepsi flavors look gross.
  18. Accidental renaissance photos.
  19. There’s controversy about new the Anthony Bourdain biography.
  20. Let’s learn about the history of frozen pizza. 

Part 2 (The Main Course) of my podcast interview with Benjamin Russack about Binge Eating came out this week. You can listen to the first part episode here! 

September 28, 2022

Roasted Vegetable Galette

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from Shutterbean.com

Do we call this Roasted Vegetable Galette or Roasted Vegetable Crostada? I added chimichurri so I’m not sure it’s French or Italian.

We’ll call it a galette because I can remember my Mom liking that word.   Ok, now that that’s settled, Roasted Vegetable Galette is what happens when I am not ready to give into autumn yet and I have the last of the summer vegetables piling up on the counter. Also, this is the time of year when I see all of the Trader Joe’s pie crust and puff pastry and I decide to buy some on a whim.  Your PSL is my pie crust.

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from Shutterbean.com

Speaking of pie crust. There’s always a sense of hope when I have pie crust in my freezer. I don’t always use it, but I like that it’s there.  It’s like that container of baking soda we had in the fridge for like 5+ years when I was a kid. It’s a familiar face in the fridge. If I’m not careful, it can be a crazy marker of time. A true blast from the past!  It also gives me the power to make magic on a whim as long as I have not reached the time threshold.

Pick up these supplies at your local Trader Joe's to make this delicious Roasted Vegetable Galette from Shutterbean.com

Serve it with a salad and you have a great breakfast, brunch, lunch, or dinner. This galette is great at room temperature too. Totally picnic worthy. But for now, it’s my lunch.


September 26, 2022

Intentions for the Week

Intentions for the Week Workbook by Tracy Benjamin now on sale!

Intentions for the Week- Week 39 in 2022

Hello, MONDAY! 

Hello hello. We had a great weekend. We spent time with family! We did the Stranger Things Experience in SF and went out to Benihana with Casey’s brother James and family!  I did some meal prep, cleaned house, and got my self ready for this week.  This week is a big one. By the end of this week, I will have a 14 year old! Zoinks! 

Anywho…here are my Intentions for the week! CONTINUE READING

September 25, 2022

My Everyday Life Week 38

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 38

Sparkle motion.

We had a good cloud day after a good rain day.

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


Goodmorning, sunshine.

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

In my bedroom. 

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

We took Cooper to see the Stranger Things Experience in SF.

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

It was fun and full of eye candy.

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Cooper got a “dusty bun”

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

My eyes were happy with all of the colors. 

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

The games were free.

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

We went to Benihana for dinner. 

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I forgot how much there is to see on the streets of SF.

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

There are more murals than ever.

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

All the feelings.

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

How much is that doggy in the window?

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I found a bookmark from Tammi.

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Birthday plants for two of my favorite virgos.

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Look at the spread at Lisa’s house! 

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Otis is a cute boy.

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Making wishes! 

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I am on a chilaquiles kick.

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Sunday check in with all of my tools! 

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Pulling cards and making notes. 

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Ella boops.

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Huggy hides behind doors.

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Neiley’s brushes.

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

One of my go-to outfits these days. 

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Stopped at Longway.

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Window shopping. 

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I used hashbrowns instead of a bun. GOOD CALL. 

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

The Meditteranean salad at Rustic Baker is my favorite. 

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I spent some time coloring in my coloring book! 

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Sending out packages for my Etsy Shop.

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

This sunflower page was especially fun to color in. 

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I took artistic liberties on this one!! 

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Cute little acorn.

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Having coffee outside with this cutie. 

My Everyday Life Week 38 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Week 38 in 2020

 Week 38 in 2019

Week 38 in 2018

Week 38 in 2017

Week 38 in 2016

Week 38 in 2015

Week 38 in 2014

Week 38 in 2013

Week 38 in 2012

Week 38 in 2011

September 23, 2022


Choose Belief Over Doubt- i love lists / shutterbean



  1. Glamping is such a fun word to say.
  2. We have come such a long way technology-wise.
  3. I wonder what people of the past would think of fashion now.
  4. What too sexy looked like in film in 1928- Pandora’s Box
  5. Banana surprise. Oh wow.  That seems messy.
  6. I sometimes daydream of having a tiny home.
  7. Raccoon + Fawn = bff
  8. What is clairsentience?   
  9. Time to put hippy pumpkin bread back into the mix. 
  10. All of these photos caught my eye. 
  11. This sweater would be life-changing, I’m sure. 
  12. Let’s learn about the history of cats.
  13. How often do you need to wash your hair? 
  14. Cute costumes: bat hoodie / bob ross / skeleton /mermaid
  15. These lights are for pencil lovers. 
  16. A new study on food porn. 
  17. Do we really need this?
  18. My husband loves watching people restore things.
  19. Here’s your reminder that otters are cute.
  20. Weekend reading: I got Gaby’s new cookbook! 

If this made it to your email inbox, YAY!  I am now using the FeedBurner alternative,  follow.it so you can get the latest posts delivered to your inbox.  If you’d like these Shutterbean posts sent to your email and you’re not on the list, you can sign up for that here. 

Want to do a fun activity with the kids? Color in one of my Color Therapy Zines! 

Weekend planning? Check out:

September 21, 2022

Autumn Bucket List 2022

Autumn Bucket List 2022 in the Currently Workbook- Shutterbean.com

It’s Autumn Bucket List 2022 TIME!

Tomorrow (September 22) is the first day of Autumn. Are you READY?!! I’m ready.

I love Autumn. Mostly because I love soup and sweater weather. I like when my home is cozy and not super hot and gross. 

I thrive while covered in a blanket. It’s even better if there’s a rainy day. 

Autumn Bucket List 2022 in the Currently Workbook- Shutterbean.com

Here’s what I want to do this Autumn!

Autumn Bucket List 2022

  • Play in the rain (let’s hope it rains!)
  • driving adventure to see leaves changing colors
  • finish coloring book and put them in my Etsy shop
  • work on morning pages
  • revamp closet (put away summer clothes and invited autumn & winter in)
  • new recipe with apples
  • read at least 2 books
  • make chili
  • pumpkin waffles!
  • trips to farmer’s market

Autumn Bucket List 2022 in the Currently Workbook- Shutterbean.com

This year I’ve been working on making illustrations of what’s in season. Writing it down gets me in the mood for cooking in the new season. I’ll be sharing some of my favorite recipes this week. 

If you would like to join in on making an Autumn Bucket List, you can download one from my shop here I’d love to see what you’re up to this Autumn!  You can post a picture and tag @shutterbean and @thehandwritingclub 

Also, if this made it to your email inbox, YAY!  I am now using the FeedBurner alternative,  follow.it so you can get the latest posts delivered to your inbox.  If you’d like these Shutterbean posts sent to your email, you can sign up for that here. 

If you need some Autumn food inspiration, check out my favorite autumn recipes