August 28, 2022

My Everyday Life Week 34

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 34

Magic Kits that went out! This doesn’t include all the gifted ones! I didn’t want to spoil your surprises! I love that you gifted some. That’s so sweet. 

My Everyday Life Week 34 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

I am a shipping machine. I love being a shipping machine. It’s pure magic.

My Everyday Life Week 34 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

The last of this print. I should probably reletter it. 

My Everyday Life Week 34 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

It went to a good home! 

My Everyday Life Week 34 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


August 26, 2022


Is this a Good Time for You- I love lists artwork by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean


  1. Life is weird & wonderful. Here’s proof.
  2. I love this couple on Instagram. 
  3. What does a costume designer do?
  4. You can scroll through my recipes on pinterest. 
  5. What my evolving style looks like. 
  6. If you need a mantra.
  7. A mug for all of my virgo friends.
  8. What it’s like to be a professional sand sculptor. 
  9. These etchings are eye candy.
  10. What’s up with your inner voice? 
  11. Bohemian lifestyling New York 1920s
  12. Life underwater. 
  13. Time to go back to Boise.
  14. Inside a Dutch dimentia village. 
  15. I cannot believe mullet competitions exist. 
  16. This zucchini slice looks like a good breakfast situation.
  17. Speaking of zucchini. It’s time for zucchini carbonara again.
  18. Clothing my grandpas wore.
  19. These fridges are so well styled.
  20. The real chef behind Chef Boyardee
  21. Weekend reading: Of Water and Spirit

August 24, 2022

Spanish Garlic Shrimp

Spanish Garlic Shrimp can be made with very few ingredients. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com by Tracy Benjamin

This Spanish Garlic Shrimp was a recipe that popped up in the last decade (and a half?) of my Mom’s life. A trip to Spain and a tapas restaurant up the street from her helped spark a culinary renaissance for Bev.  Ina Garten had a lot to do with it too. If she was still here, she would also tell you that my blog had something to do with it and hand you my business card.*

* she needed a place to send people to try some of her recipes.

Spanish Garlic Shrimp can be made with very few ingredients. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com by Tracy Benjamin

My brother and niece have both recently asked if I had this recipe because I have her recipe binder. We all want to remember what it was like to be fed by my Mom. We had her Spanish Garlic Shrimp when she had us over for spontaneous I NEED TO SEE MY GRANDCHILD visits.  It’s one of those whip-together real fast meals you can make with what little ingredients you have. No sherry? Vermouth or white wine will do.

Spanish Garlic Shrimp can be made with very few ingredients. Find the recipe on Shutterbean.com by Tracy Benjamin

If you thought you loved the sauce on this Lemon Roasted Garlic Shrimp, this one is that and MORE. I added smoked paprika to our new iteration because we like things smokey and spicy here.  There’s a good depth that will make you want to add carbs to sop up the sauce. When Bev had us over for dinner, she would pair the shrimp with brown rice (my dad’s choice) and her green salad. I’m sure she would have added crusty bread to the situation with the Spanish Garlic Shrimp but I don’t think a loaf of crusty bread could have been trusted on the counter at her house before dinner. A little “mouse” always got into something…

She would be very happy to know that it is now Cooper’s favorite shrimp dish and OH BOY can almost  14-year-old eat a lot of shrimp!


August 22, 2022

Intentions for the Week

Intentions for the Week Workbook by Tracy Benjamin now on sale!

Intentions for the Week- Week 34 in 2022

Hello, MONDAY! 

I hope your Monday is off to a good start!  This weekend my brother was here. We had a family dinner to celebrate my birthday and some exercise mixed in with it all. Having people spend three times in over a week, celebrating my birthday and releasing my Magic Kits put me a little behind schedule in my normal house duties. I haven’t meal prepped and I need to go grocery shopping! Zoinks!  This week is the first full week of school (YAY!) and I am gearing up to get back on track. Here are my Intentions for the week! CONTINUE READING

August 21, 2022

My Everyday Life Week 33

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 33

Two big things this week. I turned 43 and…

My Everyday Life Week 33 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Cooper is in EIGHTH GRADE!!!! Back to school time for us! 

My Everyday Life Week 33 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

Another bouquet from the garden. 

My Everyday Life Week 33 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

My vision board in my office. 

My Everyday Life Week 33 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com


August 19, 2022


The Oath of Manifestation- I LOVE LISTS/ Tracy Benjamin


  1. Some self-awareness lessons for ordering fast food. 
  2. Let’s see what old photos look like colorized. 
  3. How to survive a long-haul flight.
  4. Things I didn’t know a grocery store bakery could do.
  5. The English alphabet is drawn as dogs. 
  6. Why companies are simplifying their logos.
  7. Color is disappearing from the world. 
  8. I finally got a new pair of glasses that I love! 
  9. What made Better Call Saul a masterclass in visual storytelling.
  10. Everyone is just throwing leftovers in a bowl now. 
  11. Vintage snow pictures.
  12. These are not real photos. AI is the new life we are living.
  13. This kitchen looks like it would be fun to work in. 
  14. How to read a sewing pattern.
  15. Dolly Parton is an Earth angel for sure. 
  16. This stained glass sky effect is cool. 
  17. Behind the scenes of Marcel the Shell. 
  18. Astrophotographer works on capturing the Eye of God.
  19. This is why it’s called a hamburger. 
  20. What’s the best way to store cucumbers?
  21. This whole food diary is insane.
  22. Weekend reading: The Dead Mom’s Club

Thanks so much for helping me sell out of Magic Kits!  I might bring more back to the shop during the holiday season. I know we could use more magic during that time of year. XO

August 18, 2022

Magic Kits!!

Magic Kits by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean.com

It’s my birthday today and I’m spreading some magic out into the universe with my MAGIC KITS! 

My newsletter subscribers already got first dibs on my kits. If there are some left by the time you read this, I hope you pick one of the 30 magic for yourself or a loved one. The world could use more magic in it and I’m happy to share what I have with you.  I trust the magic will be in good hands!

Here’s a link to get one.