Trader Joe’s Pantry Staples

Trader Joe's Pantry Staples- Tracy from Shutterbean shares her favorites!

Last week I shared my pantry list, now I’m sharing what makes most of the list- My Trader Joe’s Pantry Staples.  These are the things I repeat buy.  You’ll never find my pantry without them! If you don’t have Trader Joe’s where you live, my apologies. There’s no Aldi near me and I also experience weird jealous feelings of not being able to find fun/inexpensive things to add to my life. 

I think now more than ever, it’s important to think about the things we can keep in the house that will help prep us for the future and spread the budget.  Going out to eat with a hungry/growing boy is so expensive and mostly not worth it these days.  Through the past few years of pandemic time, we’ve definitely learned that knowing how to cook from your pantry is a MAJOR life skill. 

Trader Joe's Pantry Staples- Tracy from Shutterbean shares her favorites!

Let’s break down my favorite Trader Joe’s Pantry Staples, shall we? 


July 18, 2022

Intentions for the Week

Intentions for the Week Workbook by Tracy Benjamin now on sale!

Intentions for the Week- Week 29 in 2022

Hello, MONDAY! 

I hope your Monday is off to a good start!  We are on our way home from Cooper’s baseball tournament down south so I need to keep this brief.  Here are my Intentions for the Week! 


July 17, 2022

My Everyday Life Week 28

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 28

Cooper’s big baseball tournament was in Huntington Beach this week! 

The boys drove down earlier this week and I flew down later. 


The golden gate from above. 


July 15, 2022


Gratitude Turns what we have into ENOUGH! // I love lists - Shutterbean


  1. Funny nonsense photos.
  2. Get used to $20 cocktails. 
  3. Have you tried this Ube spread from TJs? 
  4. Plant photography at night looks cool.
  5. Where do people honeymoon these days? 
  6. I’m curious why it took us so long to figure out a snackle box.
  7. John Water’s commencement speech 
  8. What’s the difference between deadheading and pruning? 
  9. Cylinder Homes, 1966. 
  10. We enjoyed the show – The Bear 
  11. Hello, dream home. 
  12. Our ancestors were weird. 
  13. Comparing Hubble vs Webb telescope photos
  14. See also – astronomy photographer(s) of the year
  15. Cat portraits are full of personality. 
  16. A list of films that aren’t appreciated enough. 
  17. What a way to keep bees hydrated! 
  18. Thanks, I hate it. 
  19. Someone, please make me one of these dresses. Thank you.
  20. What kind of bread works for french toast? 



July 13, 2022

Pantry List Printable

Pantry List Printable by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean and The Handwriting Club

This year, my Pantry List Printable has played a big role in keeping me organized in my pantry.  When I am sitting down to write up my grocery list (next printable coming!), I do a pantry check to see if I need to replenish some of my pantry staples.  I know that when I have a well-stocked pantry, I can prolong the grocery shopping process (which I dread now) and McGyver my way into making some of our pantry meal favorites.

Pantry List Printable by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean and The Handwriting Club

Having the prompt to look at my pantry also prevents me from having too much of one thing.  When I’m not organized to go grocery shopping, I can easily end up with a surplus of something that I didn’t need.  My autopilot brain is not always reliable.  How many cans of green chiles does one person need?

Pro-tip: If you’re a person who also forgets to bring their shopping list because you’re busy trying to find your reusable shopping bags, take a picture of your grocery list on your phone before you go. 

You could also be a person who lives life digitally and has a note (app?!) on your phone. If that is you, I commend you.  I imagine you live a life without paper piles. You’re winning at life in this digital age. Congratulations.  

Back to the new list. 

This is my working list of pantry staples. I’m sure I forgot to put something on there or spelled something wrong.  The good news is that I wrote it in pencil so I can adjust. 

  Pantry List Printable by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean and The Handwriting Club

That reminds me… I lettered this 4 years ago. Time to redo that after all of my practice now.


Speaking of pencil, this is my current fave: Pilot Profile Mechanical Pencil .7mm

I like using it for UPPERCASE letters. If you’re into pens, here are my current faves.

Pantry List Printable by Tracy Benjamin of Shutterbean and The Handwriting Club

My plan is to letter it all in Procreate and have a final version to put in my Home Ec Binder (which I am hoping to teach from)

Favorite Productivity Tools - Shutterbean

Here’s what I’ve accomplished so far:

Food Prep:

Time Management:

If you’d like to join me in the fun!

Get your Pantry List Printable in my Etsy shop! 

Thanks for reading Shutterbean!  If you’d like to check out more of my everyday life, follow me on Instagram and be sure to keep in touch via Facebook, Twitter,  Bloglovin,  Pinterest, or subscribe via email to get new posts delivered to your inbox.  If you love handwriting, check out my passion project- The Handwriting Club on Instagram

I also have a newsletter! If you subscribe, you have first access to sales, fun printables, and news of workshops and events!

July 11, 2022

Intentions for the Week

Intentions for the Week Workbook by Tracy Benjamin now on sale!

Intentions for the Week- Week 28 in 2022

Hello, MONDAY! 

I hope your Monday is off to a good start!  It’s been hot here in the Bay Area and we’re trying to stay cool!  Cooper has a baseball tournament this week so there’s so much to get done before that!  I’m sitting down this morning with some coffee and mapping out my Intentions for the Week. Here they are! 


July 10, 2022

My Everyday Life Week 27

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 27

Enjoying the fruits of my labor! 

My Everyday Life Week 27 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Sunflowers are associated with August and being a Leo and I didn’t like them much when I was younger. I was annoyed that my birth month flower was a sunflower. Now?  I LOVE THEM and want to grow even more next year. 

My Everyday Life Week 27 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of