Bring Light into Your Life!

Bring Light Into Your Life- a bunch of light makers selected by Tracy Benjamin of 

Mother’s Day is coming up and it can be very triggering & grief-inducing if you don’t have a Mom anymore. I know it is for me! When I’m feeling down, I always try to remember that Action is the antidote to despair! Let’s add some light into the darkness. Here are some light-making things that can Bring Light into Your Life.  

Solar Power Prism Maker

I gifted one of these to my Mom and she enjoyed it thoroughly!  She had hers in her kitchen and it would activate in the afternoon while she was making dinner.  You’ll quickly know what time magical light hour is in your home when you have one of these up against a window. The sun will turn your space into a disco!

The Little Book of Light

I have this little book on my coffee table. There are 111 different ways to add light to your life. Sometimes I will think of a random number and see what I’m supposed to see! It’s pretty magical. 

Globe string lights

We have some of these cute globe string lights outside on our patio and they bring such magic to a space. It makes are evening BBQ living so much better! 

8-inch Discoball

Speaking of disco…I believe every home should have a disco ball in it. I have one in my dining room and one in my kitchen. It adds cute little polka dot beams of light when the light hits it. It has the power to light up ANY room. 

Find the Light Print

Handlettered print by yours truly!  A  great reminder to put in your favorite place. 

Glittery Birkenstocks

I bet you’d like looking down and seeing sparkles when you’re wearing these. 

Glitter Old School Vans

Guess who is getting tons of compliments on their shoes?? You! Look at you sparkle! 

Large Prism Ball

Isn’t this thing magical? It’s definitely on my wishlist!

Gold Streamers:

I put these streamers outside in my garden at least 5 years ago and they’re holding up to this day. They’ve been through all kinds of weather!  Watching them move in the wind is so exciting. They’ve worked well in my garden as a bird/animal deterrent but I mostly just like watching them sparkle. 

Sparkly Stud Earrings

These are the equivalent of wearing red lipstick but on your ears! They’ll catch the light and make you glow!

My Everyday Life Week 44 - Shutterbean

I hope this inspires you to Bring Light Into Your Life! 



Magic happens! 

April 25, 2022

Intentions for the Week

Intentions for the Week Workbook by Tracy Benjamin now on sale!

Intentions for the Week- Week 17 in 2022

Hello, MONDAY! 

Back from our trip! I forgot how much a trip can make you appreciate home. Did some deep cleaning and planted a few things this weekend.  Also binged on the new season of Russian Doll. It was good!  It’s late and I am writing this from bed. Looking forward to sleep but going to write down my Intentions for the Week because I’ve done it for the past 5 years!!  I just looked that up- I started doing this Monday check-in in April 2017!  Here’s the first one.

Anywho- here are my Intentions for the Week:


April 24, 2022

My Everyday Life Week 16

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 16

Obligatory palm tree photos in Santa Barbara

My Everyday Life Week 16 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Vacation Cooper is a real treat. 

My Everyday Life Week 16 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

There were koi fish where we stayed. 

My Everyday Life Week 16 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Moving at this pace. 

My Everyday Life Week 16 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

My niece knows how to pose. 

My Everyday Life Week 16 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of


April 22, 2022


My Everyday Life Week 15 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of


  1. Things you may have forgotten about from the 90s.
  2. The most ergonomic way of setting up your desk. 
  3. These houses in Belgium are interesting.. 
  4. How doubled-edged razor blades are made. 
  5. Why some people snore louder than others. 
  6. Colors mosquitos are attracted to the most. 
  7. The best macro shots (challenge) from an iPhone. 
  8. What a fresh bathroom makeover! 
  9. Homemade bouillon powder seems like a fun project. 
  10. Wisteria season looks amazing in Japan. 
  11. Hummingbird feeders- one / two / three
  12. I’ve made granola cookies now I want to make granola scones!
  13. What you’re entitled to if your flight gets canceled. 
  14. Bridesmaids dresses in the 80s were wild!
  15. Another Instagram algorithm tweak. 
  16. Why algorithms are called algorithms.
  17. 5 questions to ask at the end of a job interview. 
  18. This old Mercedes got an upgrade!
  19. I’m fascinated by people’s favorite Trader Joe’s items. 
  20. Dude with sign compilation. 

For those of us celebrating Mother’s Day without a Mom, I made a MOM YOURSELF  pep talk pack from my Things Mom Used to Say book. 

If you want a high-functioning to-do list for the week, get my Intentions for the Week printable! 

Here’s $80 off Imperfect Produce orders- It helps me with sourcing my food for meal prep. 

Here’s 1 month of premium membership to Skillshare for free! 

There’s a Mother’s Day promo with Nakano Knives for Mother’s Day- Use code SHUTTERBEAN for a 20% discount.


April 20, 2022

Mexican Pizza

Mexican Pizza is a fun way to shake up dinner. It's like an open-faced quesadilla. Find instructions on

Mexican Pizza from Taco Bell was my first introduction to this culinary combo.  I wish I had known how to make it when I was a kid.   It would have been good currency as the little sister to two older brothers. We just had french bread pizzas or pizza bagels.

Mexican Pizza is a fun way to shake up dinner. It's like an open-faced quesadilla. Find instructions on

The only thing is, I never liked how it was a double layer in the Taco Bell version. It made everything pretty mushy (refried beans included!)  and if I remember correctly it all fell apart and tomatoes went all over the place.  In this iteration, we get one layer of goodness. The only tomatoes are in the salsa layer at the bottom. Less mush! More crunch. Red peppers to add color and bonus health points. 

Mexican Pizza is a fun way to shake up dinner. It's like an open-faced quesadilla. Find instructions on

 I like to cut each pizza into quarters so I can fold each piece in half like I would a slice of pizza!  It’s like an open-faced quesadilla and the novelty has not worn off to this day!  If you’re looking for a simple/inexpensive dinner option, Mexican Pizza will definitely help you shake things up!  If we don’t have sour cream, Greek yogurt works great too! 


April 18, 2022

Intentions for the Week

Intentions for the Week Workbook by Tracy Benjamin now on sale!

Intentions for the Week- Week 16 in 2022

Hello, MONDAY! 

Writing this from a vacation rental in Santa Barbara right now. We’re off this week on a trip with my family for Easter.  Our first vacation (without baseball!)  in quite some time and I’m excited.  Let’s figure out what our Intentions are this week. Here are mine: 


April 17, 2022

My Everyday Life Week 15

Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 15

Flowers in just the right light on my counter.

My Everyday Life Week 15 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

Cards pulled this week. 

My Everyday Life Week 15 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of

I painted my bathroom cabinets this week. 

My Everyday Life Week 15 of 2022- a photography series by Tracy Benjamin of