Here’s what this past week looked like- My Everyday Life Week 7
LEO MOON this week. Always makes me think of my grandma.
Things she left behind for me.
Something my Mom used to say.
Before breakfast meetup.
On a walk with my new friend Mira in Sausalito.
Learned a lot about house boats in the process.
Reset by the water.
Walking tour.
Beans is a new valentine.
Valentine sushi with my boys.
This week was fortified by fruit salad.
I forgot how much I like fruit salad.
Working on seed planting.
Always vacuuming somwhere.
Worked on this this week.
Dopamine hits with Walt.
Perfectly lined up.
Loungey happy hour.
Superbowl food.
Another Jessica!
Another Laura!
Shared these Chorizo Potato Bites this week. Ate them for breakfast this week.
My child bought a woopie cushion. It’s been seen all around the house.
Intentions for the Week planner– week 6
My hair hasn’t been this long in many years.
More light.
Cooper loves it when I make garlic bread.
Sniff test.
I am always up for it.
This on repeat. Comfort breakfast.
He has a little mark that makes him look like he has a third eye. I love his chin. He’s real shy.
Ella knows where the warm spot is.
Dreaming about baseball.
Dinner with Kathleen at Farmshop.
Carrots with dates and a spicy yogurt.
It’s been years since I cleaned out my junk drawer.
I found my notes/plans for making my first Currently Workbook.
It’s been cool to look back and see all that has happened since.
I’ve had 5,317 sales in my Etsy shop since I opened it a few years ago.
Thank you for supporting my work! I love all of the pep talk/reminders I get to look at while packing up your orders.
Sometimes they’re exactly what I needed to see.
I know my Mom would be happy that I use some of her sayings to keep me motivated to keep going.
This is my ultimate lesson.
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