Dear 7 year old Tracy,
I’m watching you. You’re sitting at Taco Bell with your brothers scarfing down cinnamon crisps. At your age, Taco Bell isn’t a scary place. You always order the Mexican Pizza and there’s only like 10 options on the menu. Today there’s a GAZILLION. You don’t even know about that crazy annoying Chihuahua yet! Consider yourself lucky. Do yourself a favor and stay away from this place as an adult. Your parents did the right thing and only took you out to fast food restaurants sparingly. You won’t understand how important that is until later on in your life but I promise it will be worth it. Sorry for the lecture. Apparently you’ve turned into one of THOSE adults. Have I lost you?
Let’s talk about those cinnamon crisps you like soo much! Taco Bell stopped making them. They went through dozens of incarnations, but never returned to what you are eating now. Don’t fret. The 31 year old version of you JUST made some. If I could go back in time and give you this recipe sooner, I would. Sorry-time travel isn’t a done deal yet.
These cinnamon sugar tortilla crisps are crunchy and ooooh so yummy! Your son Cooper LOVED them and your husband, Casey begged you to make some more. Yes, at 31 you will have a son and a husband. So that little M.A.S.H. game you played was wrong. You don’t live in a shack and you aren’t married to Joey McIntyre with 12 kids. Ok, get back to what you are doing. Enjoy your life and keep up the good work!
31 year old Tracy
p.s. I served some of these with Baked Mangoes & Blueberries. Don’t worry, you’ll learn to like mangoes!
This is all it takes. Butter, cinnamon sugar & flour tortillas.
Melt butter and put in a big bowl. Toss tortillas til well lubed. I ended up dipping each tortilla in.
Buttery hands don’t make for good picture taking. Trust me.
Look at your well lubed tortillas! They go on a baking sheet with parchment.
Sprinkle the cinnamon & sugar on both sides.
Into the oven they go….
Out they come! Hello stack of deliciousness!
I started with one…and ate soo many.
Damn you Cinnamon Sugar Tortilla Crisps! I think I love you.
Cinnamon Sugar Tortilla Crisps

(recipe adapted from Everyday Food)
- 4 flour tortillas, halved
- 3 tablespoons salted butter, melted
- 3 tablespoons sugar
- 1 1/4 teaspoons cinnamon
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.