That’s right. Juice is back on my radar. I’m eating & drinking everything GREEN.
Just look at my last post and you’ll see why.
If I were to name this frothy green juice….
It would probably be something like Mellow Green Machine!
Apparently it’s one of Martha’s favorites which means you should totally try it. It’s what sealed the deal for me.
I bet Gywneth Paltrow would love it. It’s SHOCKINGLY green. Take that, GOOP!
Spinach Celery Cucumber Juice

(adapted from Martha Stewart)
- 3 cups spinach
- 1 English cucumber
- 2 stalks celery
- squeeze of lime or lemon
Juice the spinach with the celery and cucumber so it all extracts evenly. Add a squeeze of lime or lemon juice at the end for a tang. This drink needs it!